"Derived from the Greek word strategos, the term strategy...deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy."
The art of developing and using military resources to achieve a country's objectives.
Military History: Understanding past conflicts and battles and their outcomes helps to inform strategy in future conflicts.
Geopolitics: Understanding the broader political landscape and relationships between nations can influence military strategy.
Military Leadership: Learning about the different types of leadership styles and how to effectively lead troops in combat situations.
Intelligence Gathering and Analysis: Understanding how to gather and analyze intelligence about the enemy is essential for success on the battlefield.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Ensuring that resources are properly allocated and maintained is critical for military operations.
Communication and Information Systems: How to effectively communicate orders to troops and maintain command and control during operations.
Military Doctrine: Learning about the principles, strategies, and tactics that are effective in military operations.
Technological Advancements in Warfare: Understanding the latest technology and its impact on warfare.
Special Operations and Guerrilla Warfare: How to conduct special operations and counter guerrilla warfare tactics.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Warfare: Tactics and strategies for dealing with the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Cyber Warfare and Security: Understanding the importance of securing information networks and using cyber tactics in modern warfare.
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS): Strategies for influencing the enemy's morale and behavior through psychological tactics.
Counterinsurgency Operations: How to effectively combat guerilla warfare and insurgency tactics.
Civil-Military Relations: Understanding the relationship between the military and civilian government entities.
Training and Development: How to properly train and develop troops in preparation for military operations.
Attrition warfare: A strategy focused on wearing down the enemy through sustained attacks and exhaustion over a long period.
Blitzkrieg: A military strategy that involves a swift and sudden attack on the enemy using highly mobile and heavily armed troops.
Guerilla warfare: A type of military strategy that involves small groups of lightly armed fighters who operate independently against a larger and more conventional force.
Defensive warfare: A military strategy that focuses on defending one's own position instead of attacking the enemy. This can include fortifications and other defensive measures.
Total war: A type of warfare that involves using all available resources and tactics to defeat the enemy, including civilian populations and infrastructure.
Asymmetric warfare: A military strategy used by weaker forces against stronger ones that involves unconventional tactics such as terrorism, sabotage, and political subversion.
Maneuver warfare: A type of military strategy that focuses on mobility and speed to outflank and outmaneuver the enemy.
Naval warfare: A military strategy focused on naval operations, including blockades, amphibious assaults, and sea battles.
Air warfare: A military strategy focused on the use of air power, including bombing, strafing, and air-to-air combat.
Cyberwarfare: A type of military strategy involving attacks on digital systems and networks to gain an advantage in a conflict.
Information warfare: A type of military strategy that involves manipulating information and communication to gain a strategic advantage over the enemy.
Strategic bombing: A military strategy that involves the use of air power to target enemy infrastructure, such as factories, ports, and transportation.
Shock and awe: A military strategy that involves overwhelming the enemy with a display of force and firepower to quickly achieve victory.
Counter-insurgency: A military strategy used to respond to insurgency and irregular warfare, typically through a combination of military and political means.
Protracted warfare: A type of military strategy focused on winning a war through weariness and attrition over a long period.
"When first used during the 18th century, [strategy] was seen in its narrow sense as the 'art of the general' or 'the art of arrangement' of troops."
"The father of Western modern strategic studies, Carl von Clausewitz, defined military strategy as 'the employment of battles to gain the end of war.'"
"[B. H. Liddell Hart's] definition put less emphasis on battles, defining strategy as 'the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy.'"
"Sun Tzu is often considered as the father of Eastern military strategy and greatly influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics."
"The Art of War by Sun Tzu grew in popularity and saw practical use in Western society as well. It continues to influence many competitive endeavors in Asia, Europe, and America including culture, politics, and business, as well as modern warfare."
"The Eastern military strategy differs from the Western by focusing more on asymmetric warfare and deception."
"Chanakya's Arthashastra has been an important strategic and political compendium in Indian and Asian history."
"Strategy refers to the employment of a nation's entire military capabilities through high-level and long-term planning, development, and procurement to guarantee security or victory."
"Operations and Tactics is the art of organizing forces on or near the battlefield to secure objectives as part of the broader military strategy."
"Derived from the Greek word strategos, the term strategy..."
"When first used during the 18th century..."
"...defined military strategy as 'the employment of battles to gain the end of war.'"
"[B. H. Liddell Hart's] definition put less emphasis on battles, defining strategy as 'the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy.'"
"Sun Tzu...greatly influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics."
"It continues to influence many competitive endeavors in Asia, Europe, and America including culture, politics, and business, as well as modern warfare."
"The Eastern military strategy differs from the Western by focusing more on asymmetric warfare and deception."
"Chanakya's Arthashastra has been an important strategic and political compendium in Indian and Asian history."
"Strategy refers to the employment of a nation's entire military capabilities through high-level and long-term planning, development, and procurement to guarantee security or victory."
"Operations and Tactics is the art of organizing forces on or near the battlefield to secure objectives as part of the broader military strategy."