The process of making decisions in a military context, including the role of doctrine.
Doctrine: Understanding the overall concept of military doctrine and what it encompasses in the broader sense of warfighting.
Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP): Acquainting yourself with the process used by the military in planning and executing operations. It involves a set of analytical and intuitive steps to come up with feasible courses of action for the commander.
Operational Environment: Learning how to evaluate the environment or setting where military operations occur, which includes political, social, tactical, and cultural factors.
Command and Control: Understanding the management of forces and resources during operations, including the coordination of communication, logistics, and decision-making.
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB): Gaining knowledge of IPB process, which is essential to decision-making. It's a method of analyzing the terrain, weather, and other factors that can influence operations.
Mission Analysis: Working through the mission analysis process provides a structured approach to understanding the mission and its key components, which will then inform the development of courses of action.
Force Planning: Determining the forces (troops, equipment, etc.) needed for the operation and their deployment and employment.
Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks associated with operations, including the assessment of potential hazards, and the development of strategies to mitigate them.
Logistics: Managing sustainment operations, including the acquisition, storage, transportation, and maintenance of materials needed for military operations.
Time Management: Working with time to ensure the most efficient use of resources in achieving mission success, including prioritizing activities and rescheduling activities as needed.
Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) Operations: Understanding the coordination and management of joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) operations, including the development of effective communication and collaboration mechanisms to achieve common goals.
After Action Review (AAR): Understanding how to conduct post-operation reviews to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement, including the implication of post-action evaluations for future operations.
Ethics: Understanding the ethical principles and values that guide the conduct of the military, including the application of international humanitarian law and rules of engagement.
Leadership: Demonstrating the qualities of leadership required of military professionals, including decision-making in complex situations under extreme pressure.
Information Operations (IO): Developing and implementing strategies for information warfare, including the management of information operations and the integration of information into traditional military operations.
Joint Operation Planning Process (JOPP): The JOPP is a process used by the Joint Staff and combatant commanders to plan and execute military operations. It is a detailed, comprehensive process that involves joint interagency, intergovernmental and multinational planning.
Marine Corps Planning Process (MCPP): The MCPP is a process used by the Marine Corps to plan operations. It is similar to the Army's MDMP, but with some differences in terminology and process.
Air Force Planning and Execution Process (APEX): The APEX is a process used by the Air Force to plan and execute operations. It is similar to the Army's MDMP, but with some differences in terminology and process.
Navy Planning Process (NPP): The NPP is a process used by the Navy to plan and execute operations. It is similar to the Army's MDMP, but with some differences in terminology and process.
Joint Targeting Process (JTP): The JTP is a process used to develop and execute targeting strategies against enemy objectives. It is a collaborative process that involves intelligence, operations, and planning personnel from multiple services.
NATO Planning Process (NATO PP): The NATO PP is a process used by NATO to plan and execute military operations. It is a detailed, comprehensive process that involves multiple nations and agencies.
Crisis Action Planning (CAP): The CAP is a process used to rapidly develop and implement plans in response to a crisis or emergency situation. It is a fast-paced, streamlined process that focuses on quickly developing operational plans.