Military institutions

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Overview of military organizations, management, decision-making, and function.

Military history: The study of military conflicts and the evolution of military institutions throughout history.
Military organization: The structure and organization of military institutions, including hierarchy, discipline, and chain of command.
Military culture: The beliefs, values, and practices that shape the military institution, including attitudes towards authority, loyalty, and sacrifice.
Military technology: The development and deployment of technology in military institutions, including weapons, vehicles, and communication systems.
Military strategy and tactics: The principles and practices of military planning and execution, including operational and tactical planning, reconnaissance, and battle tactics.
Military operations: The planning and coordination of military actions, including logistics, transport, and support.
Military psychology: The study of the psychological factors that influence military behavior, including leadership, morale, and combat stress.
Military sociology: The study of the social dynamics and relationships within military institutions, including gender and diversity issues.
Military law: The legal framework governing military institutions and operations, including international law, military justice, and human rights.
Military ethics: The philosophical and moral principles that guide military conduct and decision-making, including issues of just war, humanitarian intervention, and conflict resolution.
Army: The Army refers to the land-based military branch of a country, responsible for protecting the country’s territories on land, as well as providing support for military operations.
Navy: The Navy is responsible for maritime operations, including patrolling waterways, protecting sea lanes, and conducting naval warfare.
Air Force: The Air Force is responsible for aerial operations, including air defense, strategic bombing, and reconnaissance missions.
Marines: The Marines are a specialized branch that focuses on amphibious operations, providing support for naval and land-based military operations.
Coast Guard: The Coast Guard is responsible for maritime law enforcement, search and rescue operations, and maintaining coastal defense.
Special Forces: Special Forces units are highly trained groups of soldiers that are tasked with carrying out specialized military missions.
Cyber Command: Cyber Command is responsible for protecting the military’s online networks and conducting offensive cyber warfare.
Space Force: The Space Force is a new branch of the military that is responsible for conducting space operations, including satellite deployment and space-based surveillance.
National Guard: The National Guard is a reserve component of the U.S. military that can be called up to support military operations, disaster relief efforts, and other domestic emergencies.
Reserves: The Reserves are a part-time component of the military that serve one weekend a month and two weeks a year, providing support for active-duty military operations.
"to offer such military capability as a national defense policy may require."
"In some countries paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces, though not considered military."
"insurgent forces often mimic military organizations, or use these structures."
"formal military organization tends to use hierarchical forms."
"paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces, though not considered military."
"paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces."
"to offer such military capability as a national defense policy may require."
"insurgent forces often mimic military organizations, or use these structures."
"Armed forces that are not a part of military or paramilitary organizations, such as insurgent forces..."
"to offer such military capability as a national defense policy may require."
"In some countries paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces..."
"formal military organization tends to use hierarchical forms."
"the structuring of the armed forces of a state so as to offer such military capability as a national defense policy may require."
"paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces."
"insurgent forces often mimic military organizations, or use these structures."
"Armed forces that are not a part of military or paramilitary organizations, such as insurgent forces..."
"formal military organization tends to use hierarchical forms."
"In some countries paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces, though not considered military."
"formal military organization tends to use hierarchical forms."
"insurgent forces often mimic military organizations..."