Gender and sexuality in the military

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Study of the experiences of men and women in the military, their roles and the impact of gender on military operations.

Gender roles in the military: The ways in which gender affects a soldier's role, expectations and duties within the military.
Sexual orientation in the military: The extent to which LGBTQ+ individuals are accepted, able to openly serve in, and experience discrimination or harassment.
Women in the military: A history of gender integration, roles and treatment within military structures, and increased female representation.
Sexual harassment and assault in the military: Discussions surrounding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the military, as well as its implications for victims and reporting procedures.
Transgender service members: The recent debates surrounding transgender individuals serving in the military, the issues of discrimination and recognition and healthcare access.
Military culture and masculinity: The ways in which military culture shapes and reinforces masculinities, including how it prioritizes physical strength, emotions, violence and personal sacrifice.
Veteran reintegration: The different experiences of male and female veterans after leaving the military, including access to resources, employment, and support networks.
Military families: Exploration of the roles, challenges and experiences of military families in relation to sexual and gender-related issues.
Intersectionality: The ways in which gender and sexuality intersect with multiple other identities and experiences of power and privilege, including race, class, language, and nationality.
Military policies and practices: Examination of military policies, rules and regulations concerning gender and sexuality in the Armed Forces, and their implications for morale, operations, and the broader context.
Representations of gender and sexuality in the military: Analysis of media representations of women, LGBTQ+ individuals and military masculinity, between other aspects.
Ethnographies of military life: Use of anthropological methods to understand the meaning of gender and sexual identity for enlisted members and veterans, their families and allies, and the broader society.
"Women have been serving in the military since the inception of organized warfare…"
"Their inclusion in combat missions has increased in recent decades, often serving as pilots, mechanics, and infantry officers."
"Since 1914, women have been conscripted in greater numbers…"
"In the 1970s, most Western armies began allowing women to serve on active duty in all military branches."
"In 2006, eight countries (China, Eritrea, Israel, Libya, Malaysia, North Korea, Peru, and Taiwan) conscripted women into military service."
"In 2013, Norway became the first NATO country to draft women…"
"As of 2022, only three countries conscripted women and men on the same formal conditions: Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands."
"A few other countries have laws allowing for the conscription of women into their armed forces…"
"In 2013, Norway became the first country in the world to conscript women on the same formal terms as men."
"In 2017, neighboring Sweden followed suit, and in 2018, the Netherlands did so as well…"
"…in 2018, the Netherlands did so as well (although in the Netherlands there is no active peacetime conscription)."
"Their inclusion in combat missions has increased in recent decades…"
"…often serving as pilots, mechanics, and infantry officers."
"In the 1970s, most Western armies began allowing women to serve on active duty in all military branches."
"In 2006, eight countries… conscripted women into military service."
"In 2013, Norway became the first country in the world to conscript women on the same formal terms as men."
"In 2013, Norway became the first NATO country to draft women…"
"As of 2022, only three countries conscripted women and men on the same formal conditions: Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands."
"A few other countries have laws allowing for the conscription of women into their armed forces, though with some differences such as service exemptions, length of service, and more."
"…although in the Netherlands there is no active peacetime conscription."