
Home > Medicine > Homeopathy > Potentization

A technique used in homeopathy to prepare remedies by diluting and succussing them, which is thought to enhance their potency and therapeutic effect.

Dilution and Succussion: The process of diluting and shaking a homeopathic remedy to increase its potency.
Dynamization: The process of shaking a diluted homeopathic remedy to activate its healing properties.
Law of Similars: The principle that like can cure like, meaning that a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
Materia Medica: The study of the properties and uses of homeopathic remedies.
Provings: The process of testing homeopathic remedies on healthy individuals to determine their medicinal properties.
Repertory: A reference book used to find appropriate remedies for specific symptoms or conditions.
Vital force: The life force that animates the body and maintains its health and balance.
Potency: The strength or intensity of a homeopathic remedy, which increases as it is diluted and succussed.
Constitutional remedies: Homeopathic remedies prescribed based on a person's individual characteristics, including physical, emotional, and mental symptoms.
Doctrine of signatures: The belief that the physical appearance of a plant or substance can indicate its medicinal properties.
Isopathy: The use of a substance that is the same as the disease or condition being treated, such as using a diluted form of the offending allergen to treat allergies.
Aggravations: Temporary worsening of symptoms that can occur after taking a homeopathic remedy, indicating that the body is responding to the treatment.
Chronic diseases: Long-standing conditions that are treated with homeopathy based on a person's overall health and constitution.
Psora theory: The theory that many chronic diseases are caused by a buildup of toxins in the body, particularly from skin diseases like scabies and eczema.
Vaccinosis: The idea that vaccines can cause lasting negative effects on the body, such as chronic illness or disease, and can be treated with homeopathy.
Hahnemann's Centesimal Scale (C): This is the most commonly used method of homeopathic potency preparation. One part of the original substance is mixed with 99 parts of diluent (typically water and alcohol) and then succussed (vigorous shaking) to create a 1C potency. This process is continued until the desired potency is reached.
Fifty Millesimal Scale (LM): Also known as Q-potencies or LM-potencies, this method of potentization involves diluting one part of the original substance with 99 parts of diluent and then succussing. The process is repeated 50 times to create the 1LM potency, which is then used to create higher potencies.
Decimal Scale (X): In this method, one part of the original substance is mixed with 9 parts of diluent and succussed to create a 1X potency. This process is repeated to create higher potencies.
Korsakovian Method: This is a simplified method of potentization developed by Russian homeopath Dr. Semen Korsakov. Instead of using a series of new vials for each dilution, Korsakovian method involves emptying the same vial after each potency, and refilling it with the next dilution. This method is less time-consuming than other methods, making it popular in Russia.
Radionics Potentization: This method involves using a machine to potentize substances, while also taking into account the patient’s energetic state. This method is not widely used in homeopathy and some practitioners question its validity.
Fluxion Potentization: This is a method developed by Dr. Ernst von Brunnow and involves shaking the potentized solution in a circular motion instead of the usual vertical shaking. This method is thought to produce more subtle and energetic remedies.
Magnetic Potentization: This method involves magnetizing the diluent before potentization to enhance the energetic properties of the resulting remedy.
Quote: "It was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann."
Quote: "Homeopaths believe that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people."
Quote: "This doctrine is called similia similibus curentur, or 'like cures like'."
Quote: "Homeopathic preparations are termed remedies and are made using homeopathic dilution."
Quote: "In this process, the selected substance is repeatedly diluted until the final product is chemically indistinguishable from the diluent."
Quote: "Homeopaths may hit and/or shake the product, claiming this makes the diluent remember the original substance after its removal."
Quote: "All relevant scientific knowledge about physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology contradicts homeopathy."
Quote: "Its theory of disease, centered around principles Hahnemann termed miasms, is inconsistent with subsequent identification of viruses and bacteria as causes of disease."
Quote: "The fundamental implausibility of homeopathy as well as a lack of demonstrable effectiveness has led to it being characterized within the scientific and medical communities as quackery and fraud."
Quote: "Homeopathy achieved its greatest popularity in the 19th century."
Quote: "It was introduced to the United States in 1825, and the first American homeopathic school opened in 1835."
Quote: "Other forms of treatment could be harmful and ineffective."
Quote: "By the end of the century, the practice began to wane, with the last exclusively homeopathic medical school in the United States closing in 1920."
Quote: "During the 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback, with sales of some homeopathic products increasing tenfold."
Quote: "The trend corresponded with the rise of the New Age movement, and may be in part due to chemophobia, an irrational aversion to synthetic chemicals, and the longer consultation times homeopathic practitioners provided."
Quote: "A series of meta-analyses have shown that the therapeutic claims of homeopathy lack scientific justification."
Quote: "National bodies from Australia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and France, as well as the European Academies' Science Advisory Council and the Russian Academy of Sciences have all concluded that homeopathy is ineffective, and recommended against the practice receiving any further funding."
Quote: "The National Health Service in England no longer provides funding for homeopathic remedies and asked the Department of Health to add homeopathic remedies to the list of forbidden prescription items."
Quote: "France removed funding in 2021."
Quote: "Spain has also announced moves to ban homeopathy and other pseudotherapies from health centers."