
Home > Medicine > Homeopathy > Isopathy

This subfield involves the use of homeopathic remedies made from the same substance that causes the disease or condition being treated.

Homeopathic principles and philosophy: Understanding the fundamental principles and philosophy of homeopathy, such as the law of similars, vital force, and the use of dilution and potentization.
Isopathy: Definition and explanation of isopathy, which is a form of homeopathy that involves using the same substance that caused the disease in a diluted and potentized form to treat the patient.
History of homeopathy: The history of homeopathy, including its origins, development, and evolution, and the key figures who contributed to its growth and popularity.
Homeopathic remedies: An overview of the different types of homeopathic remedies, how they are made, their uses, and their indications.
Materia medica: A comprehensive description of the properties, indications, and characteristics of homeopathic remedies.
Potentization: Understanding the process of potentization, which involves diluting and shaking the original substance, and how it enhances the therapeutic properties of the remedy.
Case-taking: The process of taking a comprehensive case history of the patient, including their symptoms, medical history, and personality traits, to determine the most appropriate remedy.
Repertorization: Using a repertory to cross-reference the patient's symptoms and find the most appropriate remedy based on the totality of their symptoms.
Homeopathic practice: Establishing a homeopathic practice, including ethical guidelines, legal requirements, and practical considerations, such as record-keeping and patient communication.
Clinical research and evidence-based practice: Understanding the role of clinical research in homeopathy and how to evaluate the evidence for its efficacy and safety.
Homotoxins Isopathy: A treatment that uses small doses of toxins, bacteria, and viruses to treat specific infections or illnesses.
Autonosodes Isopathy: A treatment that uses diluted doses of a patient's own bodily fluids or tissues to treat specific ailments.
Allergosodes Isopathy: A treatment that uses diluted doses of specific allergens to help patients overcome their allergies.
Nosodes Isopathy: A treatment that uses small doses of infectious agents (such as viruses and bacteria) to treat specific illnesses.
Sarcodes Isopathy: A treatment that uses diluted doses of healthy body tissues to treat specific ailments.
Tautopathic Isopathy: A treatment that uses diluted doses of the same substance that caused a patient's illness, to help the patient recover.
Immunotherapy Isopathy: A treatment that uses small doses of immune-boosting substances to help the body fight illnesses.
Organotherapy Isopathy: A treatment that uses diluted doses of specific organs to help patients with specific organ-related illnesses.