A form of homeopathy that uses tissue salts, which are mineral compounds that are thought to regulate cellular function.
Dilutions and Potentization: Describes the process of making homeopathic remedies by diluting and succussing substances to increase their potency.
Biochemistry of Homeopathy: Describes the principles of biochemistry underlying the mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies.
Philosophy of Homeopathy: Explores the underlying principles of homeopathy, including the concept of "like cures like" and the holistic approach to healing.
Materia Medica: Provides a comprehensive list of homeopathic remedies and their corresponding symptoms.
Repertory: Organizes the symptoms of patients to help find the appropriate remedy for their condition.
Case-taking: Provides a systematic approach to gathering information during a patient consultation.
Constitutional Remedies: Describes the use of remedies specific to an individual's temperament, personality, and physical characteristics.
Acute Remedies: Describes the use of remedies for sudden and short-term conditions.
Chronic Remedies: Describes the use of remedies for long-standing illnesses and conditions.
Homeopathic Pharmacy: Describes the preparation, storage, and dispensing of homeopathic remedies.
Potency selection: Describes the criteria for selecting the appropriate potency of a homeopathic remedy.
Clinical Validation of Homeopathy: Provides scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies.
Comparative Materia Medica: Compares the properties and indications of different homeopathic remedies to aid in remedy selection.
Tissue Remedies: Describes the use of remedies specific to certain tissue types.
Combination Remedies: Describes the use of combinations of homeopathic remedies for specific conditions.
Calcarea fluorica: This remedy is used to treat conditions related to the bones, teeth, and connective tissues. It is also useful in treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and joint pain.
Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy is used to promote growth and development in children, as well as to improve bone health in adults. It is also useful in treating anemia, fatigue, and digestive problems.
Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy is used to stimulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. It is also helpful in treating fever, fatigue, and respiratory illnesses.
Kali phosphoricum: This remedy is used to reduce stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. It is also helpful in treating insomnia, depression, and headaches.
Magnesia phosphorica: This remedy is used to treat muscle cramps, spasms, and menstrual cramps. It is also helpful in reducing anxiety and improving sleep.
Natrum phosphoricum: This remedy is used to improve digestion and reduce acidity in the body. It is also useful in treating headaches, joint pains, and skin rashes.
Natrum sulphuricum: This remedy is used to promote detoxification and improve liver function. It is also helpful in treating skin disorders, joint pains, and depression.
Silicea: This remedy is used to promote the healing of skin, hair, and nails. It is also helpful in treating conditions related to the nervous system, such as insomnia, anxiety, and migraines.