"Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of heated cups."
An ancient therapy in which cups are placed on the skin and suction is created, to promote blood flow and relieve pain and tension.
"Its practice mainly occurs in Asia but also in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America."
"Cupping has been characterized as a pseudoscience and its practice as quackery."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for a wide array of medical conditions including fevers, chronic low back pain, poor appetite, indigestion, high blood pressure, acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, anemia, stroke rehabilitation, nasal congestion, infertility, and menstrual period cramping."
"Despite the numerous ailments for which practitioners claim cupping therapy is useful, there is insufficient evidence it has any health benefits."
"There are some risks of harm, especially from wet cupping and fire cupping."
"Bruising and skin discoloration are among the adverse effects of cupping."
"In rare instances, the presence of these marks on children has led to legal action against parents who had their children receive cupping therapy."
"Its practice...also in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...chronic low back pain."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...stroke rehabilitation."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...acne."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...nasal congestion."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...menstrual period cramping."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...psoriasis."
"There are some risks of harm, especially from wet cupping."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...high blood pressure."
"Cupping practitioners attempt to use cupping therapy for...anemia."
"Cupping has been characterized as a pseudoscience and its practice as quackery."
"In rare instances, the presence of these marks on children has led to legal action against parents who had their children receive cupping therapy."