"Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibers derived from wood, rags, grasses, or other vegetable sources."
The study of the various materials used in print, including paper types, ink types, and coatings.
History of Print Media: The evolution and development of print media from the invention of the printing press to the present day.
Printing Techniques: Understanding the various printing techniques used in print media production, including offset, letterpress, gravure, and digital printing.
Typography: The art and science of designing and arranging type for printed materials, including understanding different typefaces, font families, and typography rules.
Paper and Ink: Understanding the properties and characteristics of paper and ink and their impact on the final outcome of printed materials.
Layout and Design: Principles and techniques of creating effective layouts and designs for print media, including white space, balance, color theory, and visual hierarchy.
Production Process: The stages involved in the production process of print materials, from pre-press to finishing and distribution.
Print Media Ethics: The ethical considerations involved in print media production, including objectivity, accuracy, and responsibility to readers.
Advertising and Marketing: The use of print media in advertising and marketing campaigns, including understanding target audiences, message creation, and placement.
Print Media and Society: The role of print media in shaping public opinion, influencing social and political movements and reflecting prevailing cultural values.
Print Media and Technology: The impact of digital technology on the print media industry, including digital publishing, electronic media, and social media integration.
Newspapers: Daily or weekly publications that provide current news and information about local, national, and international events.
Magazines: Periodicals that cover specific topics like fashion, lifestyle, sports, technology, entertainment, and more.
Direct Mail: Advertising material that is mailed directly to a targeted audience, such as brochures, flyers, catalogs, and postcards.
Books: Printed material that contains information, stories, or instruction on various subjects, often for leisure or educational purposes.
Catalogs: Printed material that showcases products for sale, typically used for ordering products through mail or online.
Brochures: Printed material that highlights a company's services or products, usually focusing on a specific topic, service, or product.
Flyers: Printed material used to advertise a product or service, often distributed in public places like streets, stores or events.
Newsletters: Communications from businesses or organizations that offer updates, news, or educational information to subscribers.
Posters: Printed material used to promote events, movies, concerts, products, or educational programs.
Packaging: Printed material that covers or encloses a product, often including branding or advertising messages.
Business Cards: Printed material containing a person's contact information, used to introduce themselves to potential business clients, customers or partners.
Calendars: Printed material used to display important dates, holidays, or upcoming events.
Stationery: Printed material, including letterheads, envelopes, business cards, and notepads, used by companies or individuals for correspondence.
Annual Reports: Printed material that provides details on a company's financial performance, strategy, and achievements over a one-year period.
Journals: Printed material that contains scholarly articles or essays on various topics, often written by experts in a particular field.
"The water is drained through a fine mesh, leaving the fiber evenly distributed on the surface."
"Followed by pressing and drying."
"Almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 meters wide, running at 2,000 meters per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year."
"It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, painting, graphics, signage, design, packaging, decorating, writing, and cleaning."
"It may also be used as filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency, and security paper, or in a number of industrial and construction processes."
"Papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun."
"The earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China."
"The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following."
"It may also be used as filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency, and security paper, or in a number of industrial and construction processes."
"The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun."
"Some making reels 10 meters wide, running at 2,000 meters per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year."
"Cai Lun, a Han court eunuch, is credited with developing the papermaking process."
"China leading its production."
"The United States following."
"...cellulose fibers derived from wood, rags, grasses, or other vegetable sources."
"Printing, painting, graphics, signage, design, packaging, decorating."
"Toilet tissue."
"In a number of industrial and construction processes."
"It may also be used as... currency and security paper."