
Home > Media Studies > Cultural Studies > Race

Socially constructed category based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features.

Race and Ethnicity: This topic explores the different racial and ethnic groups that exist in society and how they are socially constructed.
Racism: This topic looks at the ways in which racism manifests itself in society, both overtly and subtly, and how it affects different groups.
Prejudice and Discrimination: This topic explores the different forms of prejudice and discrimination that occur in society and how they can be addressed.
Intersectionality: This topic examines how different forms of discrimination intersect and compound each other, affecting individuals and groups differently.
Colonialism and Postcolonialism: This topic investigates the impact of colonialism on society and how postcolonialism has influenced cultural studies.
Social Constructivism: This topic explores how social constructs such as race, gender, and class are created and maintained.
Critical Race Theory: This topic addresses the ways in which race intersects with power and privilege, and it is used to examine systemic racism in society.
White Privilege: This topic examines the ways in which white individuals benefit from systemic racism and how this construct works.
Indigenous Perspectives: This topic explores the experiences of Indigenous peoples and how they are affected by systemic racism.
Colorism: This topic examines the privilege that lighter-skinned people have over darker-skinned people within the same race.
Cultural Appropriation: This topic explores the ways in which dominant cultures appropriate and misrepresent the cultural practices of marginalized communities.
Anti-Racism: This topic looks at strategies for combating racism and creating a more equitable society.
Allyship: This topic explores how individuals can work as allies to support marginalized communities and their struggle for justice.
Immigration and Citizenship: This topic investigates how race intersects with immigration policies and how they affect people's access to citizenship and resources.
Whiteness Studies: This topic examines whiteness as a social construct and how it is used to maintain power and privilege in society.
Quote: "Race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society."
Quote: "The term came into common usage during the 16th century, when it was used to refer to groups of various kinds, including those characterized by close kinship relations."
Quote: "By the 17th century, the term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits, and then later to national affiliations."
Quote: "Modern science regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society."
Quote: "While partly based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning."
Quote: "The concept of race is foundational to racism, the belief that humans can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another."
Quote: "Social conceptions and groupings of races have varied over time, often involving folk taxonomies that define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits."
Quote: "Modern scientists consider such biological essentialism obsolete, and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits."
Quote: "Scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways."
Quote: "Others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race is inherently naive or simplistic."
Quote: "All living humans belong to the same subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens."
Quote: "Since the second half of the 20th century, race has been associated with discredited theories of scientific racism."
Quote: "Race has become increasingly seen as a largely pseudoscientific system of classification."
Quote: "Race has often been replaced by less ambiguous and/or loaded terms: populations, people(s), ethnic groups, or communities, depending on context."
Quote: "Its use in genetics was formally renounced by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in 2023."
Quote: "Folk taxonomies define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits."
Quote: "While some researchers continue to use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behavior..."
Quote: "Still others argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance because all living humans belong to the same subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens."
Quote: "Race has become increasingly seen as a largely pseudoscientific system of classification."
Quote: "The use in genetics was formally renounced by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in 2023."