"The study of popular culture from a critical theory perspective combining communication studies and cultural studies."
It investigates how popular culture shapes and reflects cultural values, identities, and practices.
Theoretical Frameworks: Popular Culture Studies encompasses a variety of theoretical frameworks that set the foundation for interpreting and analyzing popular culture. This includes semiotics, Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, and more.
Media Studies: A critical analysis of media and its role in popular culture, including television, film, social media, and advertising.
Subcultures: An examination of various subsets within popular culture, such as punk rock, hip-hop, cosplay, or fanfiction communities.
Cultural History: The historical context of popular culture and how various social and political factors have influenced its formation.
Globalization: The impact of globalization on popular culture, including how it is produced, distributed, and consumed across different countries and regions.
Race, Ethnicity, and Identity: The role of cultural identity and how it is represented within popular culture, including critiques on cultural appropriation and tokenism.
Sexuality and Gender: The representation of gender and sexuality within popular culture, including how it reinforces or challenges social norms and expectations.
Celebrity Culture: An exploration of why certain individuals become famous and the cultural significance of celebrity status.
Digital Culture: The impact of the internet and social media on popular culture and its influence on communication, politics, and commerce.
Consumer Culture: An analysis of how consumerism impacts popular culture and society as a whole, including discussions of branding, advertising, and consumer behavior.
Cultural Politics: How popular culture intersects with political power, including activism and resistance movements.
Sports Culture: The cultural significance of sports and its impact on popular culture, including how it intersects with race, gender, and national identity.
Science Fiction and Fantasy: The role of science fiction and fantasy in shaping popular culture and how it reflects broader cultural anxieties and desires.
Music and Popular Culture: An exploration of the relationship between music and popular culture, including how it reflects social and political tensions.
Visual Culture: The role of visual images and the visual arts in popular culture, including film and art history.
Media Studies: It examines the production, consumption, and effects of different kinds of media, such as television, film, music videos, and social media.
Gender and Sexuality Studies: It analyzes representations of gender and sexuality in popular culture and their impact on the social construction of identity and norms.
Race and Ethnicity Studies: It focuses on how popular culture reflects and reproduces racial and ethnic stereotypes, as well as how it can be used to address issues of race and social justice.
Cultural Policy Studies: It investigates the economic and political context that shapes the production and dissemination of popular culture.
Fan Studies: It studies the fandom and participation practices of audiences and fans, as well as their relation to popular culture.
Celebrity Studies: It explores the phenomenon of celebrity culture and its impact on society, including fans, paparazzi, and the media.
Digital Culture Studies: It examines how technology and the internet have transformed popular culture, as well as its impact on society.
Globalization Studies: It analyzes popular culture in a global context, including the spread of cultural products, the impact of transnational media corporations, and global cultural flows.
Horror Studies: It focuses on the genre of horror in popular culture, including film, television, and literature, and explores its cultural significance.
Sport and Leisure Studies: It explores the role of sport and leisure in popular culture, including the representation of athletes and fans, as well as the impact of sports on identity and community.
"The Bowling Green State University Department of Popular Culture."
"Ray B. Browne founded the Department of Popular Culture."
"Bachelor's and master's degrees are offered by the Department of Popular Culture."
"Popular culture studies combines communication studies and cultural studies."
"A critical theory perspective is employed in popular culture studies."
"The study of popular culture from a critical theory perspective."
"The study of popular culture."
"Communication studies and cultural studies contribute to the study of popular culture."
"To analyze the impact and meaning of popular culture in society."
"From a critical theory perspective."
"Bachelor's and master's degrees are offered."
"Ray B. Browne."
"Bowling Green State University."
"It focuses specifically on popular culture."
"Bachelor's and master's degrees in Popular Culture."
"The Department of Popular Culture belongs to Bowling Green State University's academic institutions."
"Ray B. Browne is considered the founder."
"A critical theory perspective is used."
"Communication studies and cultural studies."