Performance Studies

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It examines the cultural and social significance of performance in various contexts, such as theater, dance, and everyday life.

Performance as social action: The study of performance as a means of communication and social interaction.
Embodiment in performance: The investigation of the relationships between the body, performance, and identity.
Performance and power: The exploration of how performance can both reinforce and subvert power dynamics.
Ritual performance: The investigation of the role of performance in religious, cultural, and social rituals.
Performance and gender: The study of how gender identities are constructed and performed through cultural practices.
Historical and cultural specificities of performance: The analysis of performance practices in different historical and cultural contexts.
Performance and technology: The investigation of how technological innovations have impacted performance practices.
Performance and globalization: The exploration of the ways in which performance is shaped by and shapes globalized cultural flows.
Performance and activism: The study of how performance can be used as a tool for social and political activism.
Performance and affect: The examination of the emotional and affective dimensions of performance.
Performance and memory: The investigation of how performance contributes to the construction and circulation of collective memories.
Performance and spectatorship: The analysis of the role of the audience in performance practices.
Performance and interdisciplinarity: The exploration of the relationship between performance and other disciplines, such as visual arts, literature, and anthropology.
Performance and pedagogy: The study of how performance can be used as a tool for teaching and learning.
Performance and cultural identity: The examination of how performance contributes to the construction and negotiation of individual and collective cultural identities.
Theatre Studies: The study of theatrical performances, including the history, theory, and practice of plays, musicals, and other stage productions.
Dance Studies: The study of dance performances, including the history, theory, and practice of different dance styles and traditions.
Performance Art Studies: The study of performance art, which includes a wide range of artistic practices that involve live performances that may blur the boundaries between theatre, dance, visual art, and other genres.
Music Studies: The study of musical performances, including the history, theory, and practice of different musical genres, traditions, and instruments.
Film and Media Studies: The study of film and media performances, including the history, theory, and analysis of film, television, and other media content.
Ritual Studies: The study of ritual performances, including the analysis of different cultural and religious practices that involve performance, such as ceremonies, festivals, and rites of passage.
Ethnography of Performance: The study of cultural performances, including the analysis of how different cultures and communities use performance to express their identity, social structure, and values.
Performance and Politics Studies: The study of political performances, including the analysis of how political leaders, activists, and artists use performance to influence public opinion, policy, and social change.
Gender and Sexuality Studies: The study of performances related to gender and sexuality, including the analysis of how performance can reflect, reinforce, or challenge social norms and power relations related to gender and sexuality.
Environmental Performance Studies: The study of performances related to the environment, including the analysis of how different environmental issues are represented and addressed through performance.
Disability Studies: The study of performances related to disability, including the analysis of how performance can reflect, reinforce, or challenge social norms and power relations related to disability.
Cross-Cultural Performance Studies: The study of performances that involve cross-cultural exchanges, including the analysis of how different cultures interact and negotiate their differences through performance.
- "Performance studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses performance as a lens and a tool to study the world."
- "The term performance is broad, and can include artistic and aesthetic performances like concerts, theatrical events, and performance art; sporting events; social, political and religious events like rituals, ceremonies, proclamations and public decisions; certain kinds of language use; and those components of identity which require someone to do, rather than just be, something."
- "Performance studies draws from theories and methods of the performing arts, anthropology, sociology, literary theory, culture studies, communication, and others."
- "Performance studies tends to concentrate on a mix of research methods."
- "The application of practice-led or practice-based research methods has become a widespread phenomenon not just in the anglophone world."
- "The documentation of Practice-as-Research in Performance (PARIP), a devoted research project conducted at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006, offers a number of inspiring articles and portraits of such research projects."
- "Artistic auto-ethnographic approaches and verbatim theatre."
- "The documentation of Practice-as-Research in Performance (PARIP), a devoted research project conducted at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006... was key for a breakthrough of using creative thinking within this subject field."
- "Performance studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses performance as a lens and a tool to study the world."
- "The term performance is broad, and can include artistic and aesthetic performances like concerts, theatrical events, and performance art; sporting events; social, political and religious events like rituals, ceremonies, proclamations and public decisions; certain kinds of language use; and those components of identity which require someone to do, rather than just be, something."
- "Performance studies draws from theories and methods of the performing arts, anthropology, sociology, literary theory, culture studies, communication, and others."
- "Performance studies tends to concentrate on a mix of research methods."
- "The application of practice-led or practice-based research methods has become a widespread phenomenon not just in the anglophone world."
- "The documentation of Practice-as-Research in Performance (PARIP), a devoted research project conducted at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006... was key for a breakthrough of using creative thinking within this subject field."
- "Performance studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses performance as a lens and a tool to study the world."
- "The term performance is broad, and can include artistic and aesthetic performances like concerts, theatrical events, and performance art; sporting events; social, political and religious events like rituals, ceremonies, proclamations and public decisions; certain kinds of language use; and those components of identity which require someone to do, rather than just be, something."
- "The documentation of Practice-as-Research in Performance (PARIP), a devoted research project conducted at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006... offers a number of inspiring articles and portraits of such research projects."
- "Artistic auto-ethnographic approaches and verbatim theatre."
- "The documentation of Practice-as-Research in Performance (PARIP), a devoted research project conducted at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006... was key for a breakthrough of using creative thinking within this subject field."
- "Performance studies tends to concentrate on a mix of research methods."