"In mathematics, a power series (in one variable) is an infinite series of the form..."
A series of the form ∑(n=0)∞ a_n x^n, where x is a variable and the coefficients (a_n) are constants.
"an represents the coefficient of the nth term..."
"Power series are useful in mathematical analysis, where they arise as Taylor series of infinitely differentiable functions."
"In fact, Borel's theorem implies that every power series is the Taylor series of some smooth function."
"In many situations, c (the center of the series) is equal to zero, for instance when considering a Maclaurin series."
"In such cases, the power series takes the simpler form..."
"Beyond their role in mathematical analysis, power series also occur in combinatorics as generating functions..."
"...generating functions (a kind of formal power series)..."
"...and in electronic engineering (under the name of the Z-transform)."
"The familiar decimal notation for real numbers can also be viewed as an example of a power series..."
"...with integer coefficients..."
"...but with the argument x fixed at 1⁄10."
"In number theory, the concept of p-adic numbers is also closely related to that of a power series."
"Borel's theorem implies that every power series is the Taylor series of some smooth function."
"When considering a Maclaurin series, the power series takes the simpler form..."
"Power series also occur in combinatorics as generating functions..."
"...and in electronic engineering (under the name of the Z-transform)."
"Borel's theorem implies that every power series is the Taylor series of some smooth function."
"In number theory, the concept of p-adic numbers is also closely related to that of a power series."
"Power series arise as Taylor series of infinitely differentiable functions."