One-Time Pad

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A type of encryption that uses a random key that is as long as the plaintext.

Cryptography: The study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties.
Encryption: Transforming plaintext into ciphertext using a secret key so that only the authorized receiver can decrypt the ciphertext into the original plaintext.
Decryption: The process of transforming ciphertext into plaintext using a key known only to the authorized recipient.
One-Time Pad: A symmetric-key encryption scheme in which a random plain text is used only once for encryption, and the length of the key is at least as long as the message.
Key generation: The process of generating and securely distributing the keys for use with the One-Time Pad.
Key management: The process of securely storing and exchanging the keys used for One-Time Pads.
Perfect secrecy: The property of One-Time Pad that ensures that any ciphertext that has been generated from a plaintext cannot give any information about the plaintext.
Key space: The set of all possible keys that can be used with a One-Time Pad.
Information theory: The branch of mathematics that deals with the quantification of information and its processing.
Shannon's theorem: A mathematical theorem that states that the maximum amount of entropy that can be achieved in a secure encryption scheme is equal to the length of the key.
Advantages and disadvantages of One-Time Pad: The various pros and cons of using One-Time Pad for secure communication.
Cryptanalysis: The study of breaking cryptographic systems, including One-Time Pad.
Attack models: The various ways in which an attacker might try to break a One-Time Pad, including ciphertext-only attacks, known-plaintext attacks, and chosen-plaintext attacks.
Computational complexity: One-Time Pad is considered computationally secure because of the difficulty of breaking the encryption key.
Quantum cryptography: A cryptographic approach that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to provide even greater security than traditional cryptographic systems.