Numbers that represent a part of a whole, or a division of one quantity by another.
Numerators and denominators: Understanding the top and bottom numbers of a fraction and their roles in representing a part of a whole or a set.
Equivalent fractions: Knowing that two fractions are equal even though they look different, and being able to find equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both the numerator and denominator by the same number.
Simplifying fractions: Reducing a fraction to its lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Mixed numbers: Writing a fraction with a whole number part and a proper fraction part.
Improper fractions: Writing a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
Adding and subtracting fractions: Combining fractions that have the same denominator or finding a common denominator and then adding or subtracting them.
Multiplying fractions: Finding the product of two fractions by multiplying their numerators and denominators.
Dividing fractions: Finding the quotient of two fractions by multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
Comparing fractions: Determining which fraction is larger or smaller by finding a common denominator and then comparing the numerators.
Fractions and decimals: Understanding the relationship between fractions and decimals, and converting between the two forms.
Word problems involving fractions: Solving problems that involve fractions in real-world situations, such as recipe measurements or dividing up a pizza.
Proper fraction: A fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
Improper fraction: A fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
Mixed fraction: A combination of a whole number and a proper fraction, written as a whole number and a proper fraction separated by a plus sign.
Like fractions: Fractions with the same denominator.
Unlike fractions: Fractions with different denominators.
Equivalent fractions: Fractions that have the same value, but may be written differently.
Reciprocal fraction: A fraction where the numerator and denominator are flipped.
Adding fractions: Combining two or more fractions to create a new value.
Subtracting fractions: Subtracting one fraction from another to create a new value.
Multiplying fractions: Multiplying two or more fractions to create a new value.
Dividing fractions: Dividing one fraction by another to create a new value.
Simplifying fractions: Rewriting a fraction in its smallest form by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Complex fractions: A fraction where either the numerator or the denominator (or both) are themselves fractions.
Proper complex fraction: A complex fraction where both the numerator and denominator are proper fractions.
Improper complex fraction: A complex fraction where either the numerator or the denominator (or both) are improper fractions.
Complex fraction addition: Adding two or more complex fractions to create a new value.
Complex fraction subtraction: Subtracting one complex fraction from another to create a new value.
Complex fraction multiplication: Multiplying two or more complex fractions to create a new value.
Complex fraction division: Dividing one complex fraction by another to create a new value.