Superhero Fiction

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A type of science fiction or fantasy that features characters with extraordinary abilities or powers.

"Superhero fiction is a genre of speculative fiction examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters known as superheroes."
"The genre primarily falls between hard fantasy and soft science fiction in the spectrum of scientific realism."
"...who often possess superhuman powers..."
"...and battle similarly powered criminals known as supervillains."
"...examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters..."
"It is most commonly associated with American comic books..."
"...though it has expanded into other media through adaptations and original works."
"Superhero fiction is a genre of speculative fiction..."
"The genre primarily falls between hard fantasy and soft science fiction in the spectrum of scientific realism."
"...costumed crime fighters known as superheroes..."
"...superheroes, who often possess superhuman powers..."
"...also equally powered criminals known as supervillains."
"...the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters..."
"...examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters..."
"...examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters..."
"...examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters..."
" has expanded into other media through adaptations and original works."
"It is most commonly associated with American comic books..."
"The genre primarily falls between hard fantasy and soft science fiction in the spectrum of scientific realism."
"Superhero fiction is a genre of speculative fiction..."