"New Queer Cinema" is a term first coined by the academic B. Ruby Rich...
A cinematic genre that portrays LGBTQ+ lives and experiences through storytelling. It raises awareness and advances the visibility of LGBTQ+ representation.
Queer theory: An academic study of the relationship between gender, sexuality, and power.
LGBTQ+ representation in film: The different ways in which LGBTQ+ characters have been represented in film over the years.
LGBTQ+ film festivals: A showcase of films that explore LGBTQ+ themes and issues.
Intersectionality: How race, gender, sexuality, and other social identities intersect and interact.
Queer activism: Advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and equality, often through community organizing and political action.
Queer cinema as a site of resistance: The ways in which films featuring queer themes have challenged societal norms and expectations.
Queer aesthetics: The visual and stylistic elements that make up the look and feel of a queer film.
Queer history: The history of the LGBTQ+ community and its struggles for equality and representation.
Bisexuality and fluidity: The challenges faced by individuals who identify as bisexual or fluid, and the ways in which these identities have been represented in film.
Transgender representation: The portrayal of transgender individuals in film, and the challenges they face in terms of representation and visibility.
...in Sight & Sound magazine in 1992...
...to define and describe a movement in queer-themed independent filmmaking...
...in the early 1990s...
It is also referred to as the "Queer New Wave."
...in Sight & Sound magazine...
...by the academic B. Ruby Rich...
...Sight & Sound magazine...
...queer-themed independent filmmaking...
...to define and describe a movement in queer-themed independent filmmaking...
...in the early 1990s...
...a movement in queer-themed independent filmmaking...
It is also referred to as the "Queer New Wave."
It is also referred to as the "Queer New Wave."
...the academic B. Ruby Rich...
...queer-themed independent filmmaking...
...a movement in queer-themed independent filmmaking...
...in the early 1990s...
...first coined by the academic B. Ruby Rich...
...to define and describe a movement in queer-themed independent filmmaking...