Inspiration Porn

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Exploitative, othering use of disability to inspire able-bodied individuals towards overcoming everyday hardships.

Ableism: Ableism refers to prejudice and discrimination towards people with disabilities.
Disability Identity: Disability identity relates to the way that people with disabilities see themselves and their place in society.
Social Model of Disability: The social model of disability views disability as a societal construct rather than an individual medical problem.
Medical Model of Disability: The medical model of disability views disability as a medical problem that needs to be fixed.
Inspiration Porn: Inspiration porn refers to the portrayal of people with disabilities as inspirational solely based on their disability.
Objectification: Objectification refers to the reduction of people with disabilities to objects of inspiration or pity.
Tokenism: Tokenism refers to the use of people with disabilities as symbols of progress or inclusion, without addressing underlying issues of ableism.
Person-first Language: Person-first language emphasizes the individual over their disability.
Ableist Language: Ableist language reinforces negative stereotypes and attitudes towards people with disabilities.
Disability Rights: Disability rights refer to the movement towards ensuring equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities.
"The term 'inspiration porn' is by analogy with pornography, in that the material is perceived as objectifying disabled people for the benefit or gratification of the able-bodied."
"Inspiration porn is the portrayal of people with disabilities (or other uncommon life circumstances) as being inspirational to able-bodied people (or other common reference group), on the basis of their life circumstances."
"The term 'inspiration porn' is by analogy with pornography..."
"The material is perceived as objectifying disabled people for the benefit or gratification of the able-bodied."
"Inspiration porn may be seen as a form of ableism."
"An example of inspiration porn might be a photo of a child with a disability taking part in an ordinary activity..."
"Captions targeted towards able-bodied people such as 'your excuse is invalid', 'before you quit, try' or 'they didn't let their disability stop them'."
"The portrayal of people with disabilities as being inspirational to able-bodied people."
"The perception that disabled individuals inspire able-bodied people based on their life circumstances."
"The term 'inspiration porn' is by analogy with pornography..."
"The able-bodied people (or other common reference group)."
"The benefit or gratification of the able-bodied."
"They didn't let their disability stop them."
"The excuse or hesitation of able-bodied people."
"Before you quit, try..."
"Inspiration porn may be seen as a form of ableism."
"The portrayal of disabled people in ways that objectify them for the benefit of able-bodied individuals."
"The portrayal of people with disabilities as being inspirational to able-bodied people."
"Taking part in ordinary activities."
"They didn't let their disability stop them."