
Home > Literature > Drama (literary genre) > Dialogue

The conversation between characters that reveals their thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

Dialogue definition: An introduction to what dialogue is and how it functions in drama.
Types of dialogue: Different forms of dialogue, including direct, indirect, and reported speech.
Characterization through dialogue: How dialogue can reveal character traits, motivations, and personality.
Dialogue construction: Techniques used to create effective dialogue, including pacing, tone, and language.
Dialogue formatting: The structure and formatting rules involved in writing drama dialogue, including stage directions, character tags, and speech headings.
Dialogue tags: The use of tags like "he said" and "she asked" to identify the speaker in a dialogue passage.
Dialogue punctuation: The proper use of punctuation marks in dialogue, including commas, quotation marks, and ellipses.
Dialogue emphasis: Techniques used to create emphasis in dialogue, including repetition, rhetorical devices, and tone.
Dialogue conflicts: The different types of conflicts that can be represented through dialogue, including internal and external conflicts.
Dialogue themes: The underlying themes that can be explored through dialogue, including power, love, and identity.
Dialogue manipulation: Techniques used to manipulate characters or the audience through dialogue, including misdirection and foreshadowing.
Dialogue critique: Techniques for critiquing and analyzing written dialogue, including examining word choice, narrative voice, and thematic elements.
Dialogue delivery: Techniques for delivering dialogue effectively in film, theater, or audio productions.
Dialogue narration: The role of narration in dialogue, including the balance between dialogue and action descriptions.
The evolution of dialogue: The development of dialogue in drama over time, including key historical figures and movements in the field.
Monologue: A long speech given by one character to themselves or to an audience, often used to reveal their thoughts or feelings.
Soliloquy: A type of monologue where the character speaks their innermost thoughts to themselves, typically while alone on stage.
Dialogue: A conversation between two or more characters, where they exchange ideas and opinions.
Dialect: A specific form of spoken language unique to a particular region or group of people.
Interior Monologue: A type of monologue where the character's thoughts are spoken aloud, giving the audience insight into their innermost feelings and experiences.
Trialogue: A form of dialogue involving three characters.
Multi-logue: A form of dialogue that involves multiple characters speaking at the same time, often used to create chaos or confusion.
Group Dialogue: A type of dialogue that occurs within a group or community, where everyone is given a chance to speak and share their thoughts.
Socratic Dialogue: A type of dialogue that involves questioning and answering, often used to explore philosophical concepts or ideas.
Prologue: An introductory scene or speech that sets the tone for the rest of the play or story.
"Dialogue (sometimes spelled dialog in American English) is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people..."
"...a literary and theatrical form that depicts such an exchange."
"...antecedents are also found in other traditions including Indian literature."
"...chiefly associated in the West with the Socratic dialogue as developed by Plato..."
"...sometimes spelled dialog in American English."
"...between two or more people."
"It is a written or spoken conversational exchange..."
"...a philosophical or didactic device..."
"...developed by Plato..."
"...a literary and theatrical form..."
"...chiefly associated in the West..."
"...written or spoken conversational exchange..."
"...chiefly associated in the West with the Socratic dialogue..."
"...chiefly associated in the West with the Socratic dialogue as developed by Plato, but antecedents are also found in other traditions including Indian literature."
"As a philosophical or didactic device..."
"...a literary and theatrical form that depicts such an exchange."
"...a literary and theatrical form..."
"...antecedents are also found in other traditions including Indian literature."
"...antecedents are also found in other traditions including Indian literature."
"...a written or spoken conversational exchange..."