"Frame semantics can refer to Kripke semantics - semantics for modal logics and Frame semantics (linguistics) - linguistic theory developed by Charles J. Fillmore."
A theory of meaning that focuses on the relationship between language and the conceptual structures that underlie it.
Lexical units: These are the smallest units of meaning in a language and they are used to represent concepts and ideas.
Semantic roles: These are the roles that words play in a sentence, such as subject, object, and indirect object.
Frame semantics: This is a theory of meaning that views language in terms of frames or mental structures that help people understand the meaning behind words.
Conceptual integration: This involves combining multiple frames or concepts in order to create new ideas or meanings.
Metaphor: This is the use of language to describe something in terms of something else, such as using "love is a journey" to describe the experience of falling in love.
Prototype theory: This suggests that people form mental prototypes of concepts and use these to understand new information.
Coreference: This involves linking words or phrases that refer to the same thing or person.
Pragmatics: This refers to the way that language is used in context to convey meaning.
Neurolinguistics: This is the study of how the brain processes language and how neural activity relates to language use.
Language acquisition: This is the process by which humans learn language, and it involves both innate abilities and social interactions.
Role and Reference Grammar (RRG): RRG focuses on the relationship between the syntactic structure of a sentence and its underlying conceptual structure.
Construction Grammar (CxG): CxG is a broad theoretical framework that emphasizes the importance of constructions, i.e., patterns of linguistic structure that are learned and stored in memory.
Cognitive Grammar (CG): CG is a theory that emphasizes the role of conceptualization in language use and argues that language is an integral part of cognitive processing.
Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG): ECG is a variation of Construction Grammar that emphasizes the embodied nature of language and cognition, i.e., the idea that our linguistic and conceptual structures are shaped by our bodily experience.
Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG): FDG is a theory that focuses on the relationship between language and discourse, i.e., the larger social and communicative context in which language is used.
Radical Construction Grammar (RCG): RCG is a variation of Construction Grammar that emphasizes the importance of constructional meaning and proposes a radical rethinking of the relationship between syntax and semantics.
"Frame semantics (linguistics) - linguistic theory developed by Charles J. Fillmore."
"Semantics for modal logics."
"Linguistic theory."
No specific mention in the paragraph.
Two different meanings.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
Modal logics.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
The analysis of language structure and meaning.
Charles J. Fillmore.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
It is a linguistic theory that provides a framework for understanding language structure.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
It provides a semantic framework for analyzing modal logics.
He developed the linguistic theory of frame semantics.
To understand the semantics of modal logics.
No specific mention in the paragraph.
No specific mention in the paragraph.