"Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation which 'aims to recover the original shape of man'... The term was used within early Christianity... and broadened during the Late Middle Ages..."
Involves exploring and nourishing your personal beliefs and values, finding meaning and purpose in life, and connecting with something larger than yourself.
"Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation which 'aims to recover the original shape of man', oriented at 'the image of God'..."
"The term both spread to other religious traditions and broadened to refer to a wider range of experiences, including a range of esoteric and religious traditions."
"Modern usages tend to refer to a subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the 'deepest values and meanings by which people live'..."
"...often in a context separate from organized religious institutions."
"This may involve belief in a supernatural realm beyond the ordinarily observable world..."
"...personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, religious experience, or an encounter with one's own 'inner dimension'."
"Rabbi Dr. Eric Lankin has noted 'Spirituality is a personal quest for the transcendent, how one discerns life’s meaning in relation to God and other human beings.'"
"Healthy spirituality fosters healthy relationships..."
"...and affirms all of life’s experiences as part of the journey."
"...a religious process of re-formation which 'aims to recover the original shape of man'..."
"'...oriented at 'the image of God' as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the religions of the world.'"
"The term was used within early Christianity..."
"...broadened during the Late Middle Ages to include mental aspects of life."
"A wider range of experiences, including a range of esoteric and religious traditions."
"A subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the 'deepest values and meanings by which people live'..."
"...personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, religious experience, or an encounter with one's own 'inner dimension'."
"Rabbi Dr. Eric Lankin has noted 'Spirituality is a personal quest for the transcendent..."
"Healthy spirituality fosters healthy relationships..."
"...and affirms all of life’s experiences as part of the journey."