Open Access

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The practice of making research articles and resources openly available online without paywalls or subscription barriers.

Introduction to Open Access: An overview of what Open Access is and its benefits.
Types of Open Access: Different types of Open Access including Green, Gold and Hybrid models.
Creative Commons Licenses: An explanation of the different types of Creative Commons (CC) licenses available to authors and how they affect the sharing and use of their work.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights: An overview of copyright law and IP rights and how they relate to Open Access.
Open Access Repositories: An introduction to the different types of repositories that exist for open access publications.
Open Access Journals: An introduction to the different types of open access journals and their advantages.
OA Mandates and Policies: The policies adopted by research funders and universities regarding Open Access.
Institutional Repositories (IRs): An overview of institutional repositories and how they can be used to archive and showcase research work.
Open Access Metrics: An explanation of various metrics that are used to evaluate the impact of open access publications.
Open Access Books: An overview of open access books, their advantages, and how they differ from traditional print books.
Open Science and Data Sharing: An introduction to the concept of Open Science, including data sharing, open research, and their benefits.
Open Educational Resources (OER): An explanation of Open Educational Resources including textbooks, videos, and interactive activities.
Advocacy for Open Access: An overview of the different groups and individuals advocating for Open Access and their activities to promote its adoption.
Open Access in Developing Countries: An overview of the challenges and opportunities of Open Access in developing countries.
Future of Open Access: A discussion of the future of Open Access in academia and the extent of its impact on the academic community.
Gold OA: It is a publishing model where scholarly articles are made openly available online. In this model, the author pays an article processing fee (APC) to the publisher to cover the cost of publication.
Green OA: It is a self-archiving model in which authors deposit their articles in institutional or subject-specific repositories after publication. The articles are made freely available access to the public.
Hybrid OA: It is a publishing model where authors have the option to publish their articles either through traditional subscription-based journals or open access journals.
Bronze OA: It is a type of open access where articles are made openly available online, but without peer review, editing, or other quality control measures.
Diamond OA: It is a type of open access model where the costs of publishing are covered by non-commercial entities such as academic institutions, libraries, or non-profit organizations.
Platinum OA: It is similar to Diamond OA, but the publishing costs are covered by commercial entities.
Gratis OA: It is a type of open access where articles are made available online for free, but copyright laws still apply.
Libre OA: It is a type of open access where articles are free to read, use, and reuse without any restrictions.
Delayed OA: In this model, the article is made available openly after a certain time frame.
Non-commercial and commercial OA: In non-commercial OA, the publication costs are covered by non-profit organizations or academic entities whereas in commercial OA the publication costs are covered by commercial publishers.
Quote: "Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers."
Quote: "The main focus of the open access movement is 'peer-reviewed research literature'."
Quote: "Non-open access journals cover publishing costs through access tolls such as subscriptions, site licenses or pay-per-view charges."
Quote: "Open-access journals are characterized by funding models which do not require the reader to pay to read the journal's contents, relying instead on author fees or on public funding, subsidies and sponsorships."
Quote: "Open access can be applied to all forms of published research output, including peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed academic journal articles, conference papers, theses, book chapters, monographs, research reports, and images."
Quote: "Since the revenue of most open access journals is earned from publication fees charged to the authors, OA publishers are motivated to increase their profits by accepting low-quality papers and by not performing thorough peer review."
Quote: "The prices for OA publications in the most prestigious journals have exceeded 5,000 US$ per article, making such publishing model unaffordable to a large number of researchers."
Quote: "This increase in publishing cost has been called the 'Open-Access Sequel to [the] Serials Crisis'."
Quote: "Under some models of open access publishing, barriers to copying or reuse are also reduced or removed by applying an open license for copyright."
Quote: "Open-access journals are characterized by funding models which do not require the reader to pay to read the journal's contents."
Quote: "Non-open access journals cover publishing costs through access tolls such as subscriptions, site licenses or pay-per-view charges."
Quote: "The prices for OA publications in the most prestigious journals have exceeded 5,000 US$ per article, making such publishing model unaffordable to a large number of researchers."
Quote: "The main focus of the open access movement is 'peer-reviewed research literature'."
Quote: "Open access can be applied to all forms of published research output, including peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed academic journal articles, conference papers, theses, book chapters, monographs, research reports, and images."
Quote: "Open-access journals are characterized by funding models which do not require the reader to pay to read the journal's contents, relying instead on author fees or on public funding, subsidies and sponsorships."
Quote: "Since the revenue of most open access journals is earned from publication fees charged to the authors, OA publishers are motivated to increase their profits by accepting low-quality papers and by not performing thorough peer review."
Quote: "Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers."
Quote: "The increase in publishing cost has been called the 'Open-Access Sequel to [the] Serials Crisis'."
Quote: "Under some models of open access publishing, barriers to copying or reuse are also reduced or removed by applying an open license for copyright."
Quote: "The prices for OA publications in the most prestigious journals have exceeded 5,000 US$ per article, making such publishing model unaffordable to a large number of researchers."