These are exhibitions that showcase items from a museum's permanent collection, allowing visitors to see rare or unique items that are not typically on display.
Curatorial Practices: This includes the process of selecting, researching, and presenting artworks or objects in a museum exhibit.
Exhibition Design: This involves creating the layout, lighting, and other elements of the physical space in which the exhibit is displayed.
Interpretation and Labels: The critical component of exhibition design is to communicate the backstory and significance of the objects on display through texts and multimedia.
Building a Collection: Help to identify the policies, procedures, and strategies for acquiring, preserving, and studying a museum's collections.
Marketing and PR: Which involve creating publicity, promoting the exhibition and engaging with the audience to drive attendance and interest.
Artist Development: These topics go into artist outreach, supporting creativity and innovation, as well as continued growth and development of artist during and after exhibitions.
Diversity and Inclusion: These topics help give an understanding of how to create and program exhibitions that offer a representation of different cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, and perspectives.
Legal and Ethical Issues in Collecting and Exhibition: It is important to recognize the legal frameworks that guide collections and exhibitions while upholding ethical and moral principles.
Technology and Interactive Exhibitions: This includes understanding how technology plays a role and contributes to the changing world of exhibitions through interactive exhibits or virtual reality tours.
Educational Programming: The process of creating educational workshops, tours, and other educational programs that contextualize and enhance understanding of the museum exhibit.
Exhibition Fundraising: As exhibits require significant funding and resources, it is essential to have a broad understanding of fundraising techniques and strategies.
Museum Grants: This topic involves understanding ways to access and apply for funding and grants to start exhibits.
Networking and Collaborations: This includes building relationships among museum professionals and with related organizations, in general, to help expand a museum’s reach and influence.
Visitor Experience: This involves understanding the audience and ensuring engagement and positive experiences during the exhibition.
Permanent Collections Exhibitions: These exhibitions showcase the museum's permanent collection of art, artifacts, and specimens that have been collected over time.
Special Collections Exhibitions: These exhibitions feature a particular theme or subject based on a specific interest or topic.
Traveling Exhibitions: These exhibitions are created by museums and artists from other institutions and are displayed for a limited time in a museum before moving on to another location.
Educational Exhibitions: These exhibitions aim to educate visitors on a particular topic or subject, using a range of multimedia learning tools such as interactive exhibits, films, and educational games.
Fine Art Exhibitions: These exhibitions focus on fine art collections, which can include paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other visual arts.
Historical Exhibitions: These exhibitions highlight various aspects of history, such as the history of a particular region or the history of a specific period.
Science and Technology Exhibitions: These exhibitions explore a range of scientific and technological topics such as earth sciences, astronomy, robotics, environmental studies, and more.
Natural History Exhibitions: These exhibitions focus on the study of the natural world, including flora, fauna, geology, and ecology.
Contemporary Art Exhibitions: These exhibitions feature recent and current artworks from contemporary artists, which can include a range of media such as painting, sculpture, video, and installation art.
Thematic Exhibitions: These exhibitions focus on specific themes, such as social issues or cultural practices, to highlight different perspectives, stories, and ideas.