The principles and standards that regulate the conduct of museums, including issues such as ownership, repatriation, and conservation.
Professional Ethics: This topic includes the fundamental principles and values that should guide museum professionals in their decision-making and practices.
Code of Ethics: This topic refers to the ethical codes that museums must adhere to regarding collection, exhibition, and interpretation of artifacts.
Museum Policies: This topic includes the policies and procedures that govern the operations of a museum, including its collections, finances, public programs, and outreach.
Museum Access and Inclusion: This topic addresses the need to ensure that museums cater to a diverse audience, providing equal access and opportunities for learning and enjoyment.
Cultural Heritage Preservation: This topic addresses the ethical responsibilities museums have towards preserving and conserving cultural heritage for future generations.
Art Repatriation: This topic focuses on the process of returning cultural artifacts to their countries of origin and the ethical principles that should guide this process.
Deaccessioning: This topic refers to the process of removing a museum object from its collection and the ethical concerns surrounding it.
Copyright and Intellectual Property: This topic covers the legal and ethical issues surrounding the use and reproduction of museum object images and intellectual property.
Museum Funding and Sponsorship: This topic covers the ethical considerations surrounding funding and sponsorship of museums, including corporate sponsorship, philanthropy, and government funding.
Museum Security and Theft Prevention: This topic covers the ethical and practical concerns regarding museum security, theft prevention, and repatriation of stolen artifacts.
Ethical Collections Management: This principle pertains to the ethical management of museum collections. This includes the acquisition, registration, documentation, preservation, and disposal of items in a collection.
Restitution and Repatriation Policies: This principle pertains to the ethical return of cultural property to its rightful owners or country of origin.
Inclusivity and Diversity: This principle pertains to creating museum spaces that are inclusive, equitable and diverse, and engages with communities that museums represent.
Intellectual Property Rights: This principle pertains to the rightful ownership and protection of intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark issues.
Respect for Human Remains and Sacred Objects: This principle pertains to the respectful treatment of human remains, burial sites, and sacred objects.
Financial Sustainability: This principle pertains to ensuring financial sustainability of the museum, and using its resources for public good.
Research Ethics: This principle pertains to ethical conduct of research involving human subjects, animal subjects, and research integrity.
Privacy and Confidentiality: This principle pertains to the equitable and respectful use of personal information and data in museum collections.
Environmental Sustainability: This principle pertains to the environmental ethics and sustainability of museum practices.
Transparency and Accountability: This principle pertains to the responsibility of museums to be transparent and accountable to the public and their stakeholders.