"Collections management involves the development, storage, and preservation of cultural property, as well as objects of contemporary culture in museums, libraries, archives, and private collections."
How to acquire, document, conserve and exhibit collections of objects, artworks or specimens in a museum setting.
Collection Policies: A collection policy outlines the purpose and scope of a museum's collection and provides guidelines for accepting new objects.
Collection Development: The process of acquiring objects for a museum's collections through various means, such as donation, purchase, or bequest.
Cataloging and Documentation: The process of creating and maintaining records of objects in a museum's collection, including descriptions, images, provenance, and other relevant information.
Inventory Management: The process of conducting regular inventories of objects in a museum's collection to ensure accuracy and identify any missing or damaged items.
Conservation and Preservation: The practices and procedures used to protect and care for objects in a museum's collection to ensure their long-term preservation and use.
Exhibition Planning: The process of planning and organizing exhibitions to showcase objects from a museum's collection to the public.
Loans and Borrowing: The process of lending objects from a museum's collection to other institutions or borrowing objects from other institutions for exhibition or research purposes.
Rights and Reproduction: The legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of objects in a museum's collection, including copyright and intellectual property laws.
Disaster Preparedness and Response: The procedures to protect museum collections from natural or man-made disasters, such as floods, fires, or earthquakes.
Funding and Grants: The various sources of funding that museums rely on to support their collections and programs, including public and private sources, and grant opportunities.
Collections Care and Management Policies: Policies and guidelines established by museums to ensure best practices and a consistent approach towards Collections Management.
Digital Collections: The management and preservation of digital images, videos, and other media related to a museum's collection.
Collection Storage and Security: The appropriate storage and security of museum objects to ensure their safety from damage and theft.
Ethical Issues in Collections Management: The ethical and legal considerations surrounding the care, management, and display of cultural heritage objects.
Repatriation and Restitution: The process of returning, or renegotiating the terms of ownership to, cultural heritage objects and human remains to their original owners.
Collection Documentation: The process of recording, cataloging, and managing information related to an institution's collection, including data on provenance, authenticity, and condition.
Access and Outreach: Strategies to ensure the safe and appropriate access to an institution's collections, both for academic research and public engagement.
Conservation: The physical and chemical treatment of objects to prevent further deterioration and extend their lifespan.
Exhibition Planning and Design: The creation of temporary and permanent displays that showcase an institution's collection and engage visitors.
Object Handling and Photography: The safe handling and movement of collection items, including the creation of professional quality photographs and digital images.
Storage and Preservation: The creation and implementation of plans to preserve objects through proper storage conditions and the use of appropriate conservation materials.
Legal and Ethical Considerations: The legal and ethical responsibilities of institutions and museum professionals in the care and management of cultural heritage objects, including issues of ownership, repatriation, and deaccessioning.
Loans and Acquisitions: The process of borrowing and lending objects between institutions, as well as acquiring new items for the collection through purchase or donation.
Environmental Monitoring and Management: The assessment and management of environmental factors that can impact collections, including temperature, humidity, and light levels.
Risk Assessment and Emergency Preparedness: The creation and implementation of plans to mitigate the risk of disasters such as fires, floods, and earthquakes, and to respond to emergencies quickly and efficiently.
"Objects of contemporary culture, including contemporary art, literature, technology, and documents."
"In museums, libraries, archives, and private collections."
"The primary goal of collections management is to meet the needs of the individual collector or collecting institution's mission statement."
"The long-term safety and sustainability of the cultural objects within the collector's care."
"Collections management is closely related to collections care, which is the physical preservation of cultural heritage."
"The professionals most influenced by collections management include collection managers, registrars, and archivists."
"Collections management consists primarily of the administrative responsibilities associated with collection development."
"The purpose of collections care is the physical preservation of cultural heritage."
"Contemporary art is stored in museums, libraries, archives, and private collections."
"The primary goal of collections management is to meet the needs of the individual collector."
"Collections management ensures the long-term safety and sustainability of the cultural objects within the care of the collector."
"Collection managers are professionals most influenced by collections management."
"Collections care is responsible for the physical preservation of cultural heritage."
"Technology and documents are examples of contemporary culture included in collections management."
"The purpose of collections management in private collections is to meet the needs of the individual collector's mission statement."
"Collections management is essential for museums to develop, store, and preserve cultural property."
"Collections management benefits libraries and archives by facilitating the development, storage, and preservation of cultural property."
"Registrars have a main focus on the administrative responsibilities associated with collection development in collections management."
"Collections management plays a crucial role in the long-term safety and sustainability of cultural objects, ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage."