Library Science

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The study of the organization, management, and preservation of information resources, including books, journals, and digital materials, for public or private use.

Preservation: The area of conservation that deals with the prevention of damage and deterioration of books, papers, and other materials through proper handling, storage, and environmental controls.
Restoration: The process of repairing damaged or deteriorated items to their original condition using specialized techniques and materials.
Cataloging and Classification: The organizing and descriptive process of indexing and categorizing materials so they may be easily retrieved by users.
Collection Development: The art of selecting and acquiring materials for a library or archive to ensure its usefulness, relevance, and cultural value.
Digital Preservation: The process of preserving digital materials, such as websites, electronic publications, and databases, to ensure their preservation and usability.
Collection Maintenance: The process of keeping materials in good condition through cleaning, repairing, and preventive measures.
Preservation Ethics: The moral and ethical codes surrounding the collection, preservation, and use of materials by libraries, museums, and archives.
Disaster Planning and Response: The strategies and procedures designed to minimize damage to collections during disasters.
Oral History: The process of collecting, preserving, and interpreting spoken memories and personal histories.
Conservation Science: The scientific study of materials, structures, and their interactions, to better understand and preserve cultural heritage.
Preservation: This type of Library Science focuses on maintaining the original materials, documents, and artifacts in the best possible condition.
Cataloging: Cataloging involves creating standardized records for books, manuscripts, and other materials in order to make them easier to find and use.
Information Science: This field involves using information technology to organize, manage, and distribute information.
Archiving: Archiving is similar to preservation, but it specifically focuses on storing and maintaining historical records.
Digital Library Science: This field involves working with digital materials such as e-books, online journals, and digital archives.
Records Management: Records management involves organizing and maintaining records within an organization, both physical and digital.
Museum Studies: Museum studies involve the preservation and management of museum collections, including exhibits and archival materials.
Collection Development: Collection development involves determining which materials should be added to a library’s collection, based on research, user needs, and budget.
Reference Services: Reference services involve helping patrons find the materials they need and assisting with research and information needs.
Information Literacy: Information literacy involves teaching people how to effectively find, evaluate, and use information, including online resources.
"Library and information science(s) or studies (LIS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that deals generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information, whether in physical or digital forms."
" generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information, whether in physical or digital forms."
"Some consider the two original disciplines, library science and information science, to be separate fields."
"However, it is common today to use the terms synonymously or to drop the term 'library' and to speak about information departments or information schools."
"There have also been attempts to revive the concept of documentation and to speak of Library, information and documentation studies (or science)."
"The organization of information and information resources is one of the fundamental aspects of LIS."
"...organization, access, collection, and regulation of information."
"...whether in physical or digital forms."
"LIS is an interdisciplinary field of study..."
"...that deals generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information..."
" generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information..."
"Some consider the two original disciplines, library science and information science, to be separate fields. However, it is common today to use the terms synonymously or to drop the term 'library' and to speak about information departments or information schools."
"...whether in physical or digital forms."
"It is common today to use the terms synonymously or to drop the term 'library' and to speak about information departments or information schools."
" generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information..."
"The organization of information and information resources is one of the fundamental aspects of LIS."
"Library and information science(s) or studies (LIS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that deals generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information..."
"There have also been attempts to revive the concept of documentation and to speak of Library, information and documentation studies (or science)."
" generally with organization, access, collection, and regulation of information..."
" drop the term 'library' and to speak about information departments or information schools."