"The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is a set of rules produced by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to create a bibliographic description in a standard, human-readable form, especially for use in a bibliography or a library catalog."
A set of rules for creating bibliographic records that provides standardized information about resources.
What is Bibliographic Control?: Understanding the concept and importance of Bibliographic Control in the context of automated library systems.
History of ISBD: A brief history of the development and evolution of ISBD: its inception, the different editions, and its updates.
Relationship between ISBD and MARC: The correlation between ISBD and Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC), and how they complement one another.
ISBD Structure: The standardized arrangement of elements in ISBD, including types, mandatory and optional areas, punctuation rules, and abbreviations.
Descriptive Cataloging: Understanding the structure and contents of descriptive cataloging, including title, edition, place of publication, and publication date, along with other details.
Analytical Cataloging: Analyzing and cataloging a particular part of a work or a series.
Subject Cataloging: Subject heading selection and description based on the different types of materials, as well as the functional requirements and scope of the library.
Metadata: Definition of metadata, the types of metadata used in library systems, and its relationship with ISBD.
Linked Data: Linked data and its importance in creating more precise and streamlined cataloging methods, including ISBD.
Cataloging in the Digital Age: The impact of the digital age on cataloging and how to apply ISBD to digital materials, electronic resources, and the overall management of digital resources.
ISBD(A): Monographic publications.
ISBD(CM): Cartographic materials.
ISBD(CF): Non-Book materials.
ISBD(G): Serials (General).
ISBD(M): Monographic Series.
ISBD(NBM): Non-Book materials intended for visualization or sound.
ISBD(PM): Printed music.
ISBD(S): Serials (Serial Publications).
ISBD(SCM): Sound Recordings – Cartographic Materials.
ISBD(ER): Electronic Resources.
ISBD(AV): Audiovisual Materials.
"A preliminary consolidated edition of the ISBD was published in 2007."
"The consolidated edition was published in 2011."
"In 2022, IFLA published the 2021 update to the 2011 consolidated edition, which includes expanding ISBD to include unpublished resources, integrating stipulations for the application of ISBD to the description of component parts, clarifying cartographic resources stipulations, as well as added examples and updates to the Areas and glossary sections."
"IFLA's ISBD Review Group is responsible for maintaining the ISBD."
"One of the original purposes of the ISBD was to provide a standard form of bibliographic description that could be used to exchange records internationally."
"This would support IFLA's Universal Bibliographic Control program."
"To create a bibliographic description in a standard, human-readable form, especially for use in a bibliography or a library catalog."
"The consolidated edition was published in 2011, superseding earlier separate ISBDs for monographs, older monographic publications, cartographic materials, serials and other continuing resources, electronic resources, non-book materials, and printed music."
"[The updates include] expanding ISBD to include unpublished resources, integrating stipulations for the application of ISBD to the description of component parts, clarifying cartographic resources stipulations, as well as added examples and updates to the Areas and glossary sections."
"IFLA's ISBD Review Group is responsible for maintaining the ISBD."
"In 2022, IFLA published the 2021 update to the 2011 consolidated edition..."
"This would support IFLA's Universal Bibliographic Control program."
"A preliminary consolidated edition of the ISBD was published in 2007."
"One of the original purposes of the ISBD was to provide a standard form of bibliographic description..."
"The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is a set of rules produced by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)..."
"The consolidated edition was published in 2011, superseding earlier separate ISBDs..."
"[The ISBD covers] monographs, older monographic publications, cartographic materials, serials and other continuing resources, electronic resources, non-book materials, and printed music."
"The consolidated edition was published in 2011..."
"[The 2021 update includes] added examples and updates to the Areas and glossary sections."