Feature writing

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A writing style used to tell a more in-depth, human-interest story beyond just the facts of the news.

"A feature story is a piece of non-fiction writing about news."
"A feature story is a type of soft news."
"The main sub-types are the news feature and the human-interest story."
"A feature story is distinguished from other types of non-news by the quality of the writing."
"Stories should be memorable for their reporting, crafting, creativity, and economy of expression."
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the definition that it is a type of news]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the definition that it is a type of soft news]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "news feature" but no specific details given]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "non-fiction writing"]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "news" and "non-fiction writing"]
"Stories should be memorable for their reporting, crafting, creativity, and economy of expression."
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the definition that it should be memorable]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "creativity"]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "economy of expression"]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of the stories being memorable]
"A feature story is a piece of non-fiction writing."
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "reporting"]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "crafting" and "creativity"]
[No direct quote provided, inferred from the mention of "human-interest story" and "memorable for their reporting"]