"Copyright infringement (at times referred to as piracy) is the use of works protected by copyright without permission for a usage where such permission is required, thereby infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder..."
Understanding the legal implications of using other people's content on social media platforms.
Copyright Basics: This topic covers the fundamental principles underlying copyright law, including what constitutes copyrightable content, the scope of exclusive rights granted to copyright owners, and the limitations and exceptions to those rights.
Fair Use: This topic concerns the doctrine of fair use, which allows certain unauthorized uses of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Copyright Infringement: This topic deals with the various ways in which copyright can be infringed, including through direct copying, distribution, display, or performance of a copyrighted work without authorization.
DMCA Safe Harbor: This topic covers the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provisions, which protect online service providers from liability for copyright infringement by their users under certain conditions.
Creative Commons: This topic concerns the Creative Commons licensing system, which offers various standardized licenses that allow copyright owners to grant permissions for others to use their works under specified conditions.
Public Domain: This topic deals with the concept of public domain, which refers to works that are not protected by copyright and can be used without restriction.
Copyright Registration: This topic covers the process of registering copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office, including the benefits and requirements of registration.
Copyright Ownership: This topic concerns the issue of ownership of copyright, including who typically owns the copyright in different types of works and how ownership can be transferred or licensed.
First Amendment: This topic deals with the intersection between copyright law and First Amendment free speech protections, including the balancing of interests between copyright owners and those seeking to use copyrighted works for expressive purposes.
Digital Rights Management: This topic covers the use of digital rights management (DRM) technology to control access to and use of copyrighted works in digital formats.
International Copyright Law: This topic concerns the variations in copyright law among different countries and the systems in place for cross-border protection of copyright.
Defenses to Copyright Infringement: This topic covers the various legal defenses to copyright infringement, including fair use, parody, consent, and the first sale doctrine.
Literary works: This covers all types of written works, including books, articles, and papers.
Musical works: This type of copyright covers original song compositions, including lyrics and melody.
Dramatic works: This type of copyright covers plays, dance performances, and choreography.
Artistic works: This covers drawings, paintings, and sculpture.
Sound recordings: Sound recordings are protected under copyright, which covers audio recordings of music, speeches, and other types of audio performances.
Films: Films or movies are protected under copyright. This includes the characters, script, and storyline of the movie.
Broadcasts: Broadcasts are protected under copyright, which covers radio, television shows or podcast content.
Web content: This copyright law pertains to web content, including website designs, layouts, and images.
Computer software: This type of copyright covers software or computer programs, including video games, applications, and operating systems.
Social media: This type of copyright covers content that is shared on social media platforms, including images, videos, and posts.
Journalism: It covers original works that are created such as news articles, feature stories, and investigative reports.
"The copyright holder is typically the work's creator, or a publisher or other business to whom copyright has been assigned."
"Copyright holders routinely invoke legal and technological measures to prevent and penalize copyright infringement."
"Copyright infringement disputes are usually resolved through direct negotiation, a notice and take down process, or litigation in civil court."
"Egregious or large-scale commercial infringement, especially when it involves counterfeiting, is sometimes prosecuted via the criminal justice system."
"Copyright-dependent industries now focus less on pursuing individuals who seek and share copyright-protected content online, and more on expanding copyright law to recognize and penalize, as indirect infringers, the service providers and software distributors who are said to facilitate and encourage individual acts of infringement by others."
"Estimates of the actual economic impact of copyright infringement vary widely and depend on other factors."
"Shifting public expectations, advances in digital technology and the increasing reach of the Internet have led to such widespread, anonymous infringement..."
"Nevertheless, copyright holders, industry representatives, and legislators have long characterized copyright infringement as piracy or theft..."
"...the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works."
"...to prevent and penalize copyright infringement."
"Egregious or large-scale commercial infringement, especially when it involves counterfeiting..."
"...copyright-dependent industries now focus less on pursuing individuals who seek and share copyright-protected content online..."
"...resolved through direct negotiation, a notice and take down process, or litigation in civil court."
"Copyright holders routinely invoke legal and technological measures..."
"...the service providers and software distributors who are said to facilitate and encourage individual acts of infringement by others."
"...language which some U.S. courts now regard as pejorative or otherwise contentious."
"...vary widely and depend on other factors."
"...copyright holders, industry representatives, and legislators have long characterized copyright infringement as piracy or theft..."
"...the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works."