Bikram Yoga

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A yoga style that is practiced in a heated room to enhance flexibility and promote detoxification.

History of Yoga: Tracing the roots of this ancient practice to its current form today.
Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the body parts and functions that are stimulated during yoga.
Asana (poses): Mastering the various positions and its benefits.
Pranayama (breathing): Deepening your breath awareness and learning breathing techniques before, during and after yoga practice.
Mindfulness: Being present in the moment and developing mentally calm and clarity.
Flexibility and Balance: Improving balance, flexibility and mobility, common body movements and its benefits.
Alignment and Movement Patterns: Correct posture when doing bikram yoga pose patterns or any form of yoga practice.
Meditation: Quieting the mind and dissolving negative thoughts for mental and emotional balance.
Yoga Philosophy: Exploring the spiritual traditions behind yoga practices.
Nutrition and Hydration: Fueling up through healthy eating, proper hydration to maximize the effects of yoga training.
Stress Reduction: Ways of reducing stress via yoga and learning to channel that energy productively.
Pre- and Post-natal yoga: Understanding how yoga can be used in pregnancy and recovery.
Injury Prevention: Knowing your limits and ways to prevent injury during yoga practice.
Yoga Gear and Equipment: Exploring how to get the most out of your practice using props and accessories.
"Bikram Yoga is a system of hot yoga, a type of yoga as exercise, devised by Bikram Choudhury and based on the teachings of B. C. Ghosh..."
"Classes consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures, practiced in a room heated to 105 °F (41 °C) with a humidity of 40%..."
"The room is fitted with carpets and the walls are covered in mirrors. The instructor may adjust the students' yoga postures."
"...became popular in the early 1970s."
"Classes consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures..."
"...reaching a peak of some 1,650 studios in at least 40 countries in 2006."
"Choudhury attempted to copyright the Bikram Yoga sequence from 2011..."
"...but was ultimately unsuccessful."
"In 2016, facing lawsuits and accusations of sexual assault, Choudhury fled to India..."
"leaving Bikram Yoga, Inc. to be run by others."
"Bikram Yoga spread rapidly across America and the Western world..."
"Choudhury's teaching style was abrasive."
"The room is fitted with carpets and the walls are covered in mirrors."
"Choudhury attempted to copyright the Bikram Yoga sequence from 2011, but was ultimately unsuccessful."
"Classes consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures, practiced in a room heated to 105 °F (41 °C)..."
"Classes consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures..."
"...with a humidity of 40%..."
"...reaching a peak of some 1,650 studios in at least 40 countries in 2006."
"In 2016, facing lawsuits and accusations of sexual assault, Choudhury fled to India..."
"leaving Bikram Yoga, Inc. to be run by others."