- "Gait analysis is the systematic study of animal locomotion, more specifically the study of human motion..."
The study of how people walk and run, including parameters such as step length, cadence, and joint angle.
Anatomy and Physiology: A solid understanding of human anatomy and physiology is essential for any study of gait analysis as it forms the foundation of biomechanics.
Biomechanics Concepts: Biomechanics is the study of the mechanics of the human body; it comprises principles of kinematics, kinetics, and mechanics that relate to an understanding of gait.
Kinematics: Kinematics is the study of motion without regard to forces causing the motion. It is concerned with the description of motion, including position, velocity, and acceleration.
Kinetics: Kinetics is the study of forces causing motion. It is concerned with identifying and analyzing the forces that produce motion in the body.
Joint mechanics: Joint mechanics is the study of the way in which bones interact at the joint, including the movements of the joint, the ligaments, and the muscles.
Muscle function: Understanding the function of muscles in gait can help one understand the underlying reasons for deviations from a normal gait.
Gait cycle: The gait cycle is the complete sequence of events that occur between two consecutive strikes of the same foot.
Gait phases: The gait cycle is divided into different phases, which include the stance phase and the swing phase.
Normal gait: Normal gait refers to the typical pattern of movement that is considered healthy and pain-free for an individual.
Abnormal gait: Abnormal gait refers to any deviation from the typical pattern of movement that is considered healthy and pain-free for an individual.
Gait analysis methods: Gait analysis methods include clinical observations, high-speed video recording, motion capture techniques, force plates, and pressure sensors.
Foot biomechanics: Foot biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of the foot, including the arches and the arrangement of bones, muscles, and ligaments.
Lower limb biomechanics: Lower limb biomechanics is the study of the integration of the ankle, knee, and hip joints in producing normal gait.
Upper limb biomechanics: Upper limb biomechanics is the study of the way in which the arms and hands interact with the rest of the body during walking.
Orthotics and prosthetics: Orthotics and prosthetics are commonly used to modify gait in individuals with pathologies or injuries.
Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is a critical aspect of gait analysis, as it often involves the use of various interventions to improve an individual's gait pattern.
Sports injuries: Sports-related injuries often require gait analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of injuries.
Clinical Gait Analysis: A comprehensive assessment of gait abnormalities typically used by medical professionals to diagnose and treat gait disorders.
Instrumented Gait Analysis: A more detailed gait analysis that utilizes equipment and technology to collect objective data on joint angles, muscle activity, and ground reaction forces to provide insight into biomechanical abnormalities.
Running Analysis: Analysis specifically designed for runners to identify any mechanical inefficiencies or imbalances that could lead to injury.
Walking Analysis: Similar to running analysis, this technique assesses mechanical inefficiencies or imbalances that could be causing discomfort or pain during normal walking.
Functional Gait Analysis: An analysis that assesses the biomechanics of gait during everyday activities such as stairs, changing direction, and balance control.
Dynamic Motion Analysis: An in-depth analysis of dynamic movement patterns that can be used to identify motor control, neuromuscular, and skeletal imbalances.
High-Speed Video Analysis: A method to capture movements of the body, used to identify differences in gait patterns, muscle activation patterns, abnormal joint range of motion while moving in normal, fast, and slow motion.
3D Gait Analysis: An advanced form of gait analysis that utilizes motion capture technology and algorithms to obtain a comprehensive biomechanical evaluaion of subjects and calculate specific biometric parameters for diagnosing injuries (3D kinematics and kinetics).
Wearable Sensor-based Gait Analysis: Gait analysis using sensors that are attached to the body to detect imbalance to provide data to analyze a person's gait pattern.
Electromyography (EMG): A technique of Gait analysis that measures muscle activity during walking, which helps to identify muscle dysfunction in gait control.
Foot Pressure Analysis: Foot pressure sensors are worn to measure the distribution of pressure on various areas of the foot, which helps to identify foot deformities, such as flat feet or high arches.
Isokinetic Testing: Computerized testing that determine the strength and endurance of the muscles in a specific joint.
Balance and Posture Analysis: A type of gait analysis that primarily focuses on posture and balance, and also assesses how the body manages to stay in a stable state while a person is standing, walking or running.
- "Using the eye and the brain of observers, augmented by instrumentation for measuring body movements, body mechanics, and the activity of the muscles."
- "Gait analysis is used to assess and treat individuals with conditions affecting their ability to walk."
- "It is commonly used in sports biomechanics to help athletes run more efficiently..."
- "...and to identify posture-related or movement-related problems in people with injuries."
- "The study encompasses quantification (introduction and analysis of measurable parameters of gaits)..."
- "...as well as interpretation, i.e. drawing various conclusions about the animal (health, age, size, weight, speed, etc.) from its gait pattern."
- "The systematic study of animal locomotion…"
- "Gait analysis is used to assess and treat individuals with conditions affecting their ability to walk."
- "It is commonly used in sports biomechanics..."
- "...to help athletes run more efficiently..."
- "...and to identify posture-related or movement-related problems in people with injuries."
- "The study encompasses quantification (introduction and analysis of measurable parameters of gaits)..."
- "...drawing conclusions about the animal (health, age, size, weight, speed, etc.) from its gait pattern."
- "The study of human motion..."
- "Using the eye and the brain of observers..."
- "...augmented by instrumentation for measuring body movements, body mechanics, and the activity of the muscles."
- "...identify posture-related or movement-related problems in people with injuries."
- "Gait analysis is used to assess and treat individuals with conditions affecting their ability to walk."
- "...drawing various conclusions about the animal (health, age, size, weight, speed, etc.) from its gait pattern."