
Home > History by Field > Linguistic History > Lexicography

The study of dictionaries and how words are defined.

"Lexicography is the study of lexicons, and is divided into two separate academic disciplines. It is the art of compiling dictionaries."
"Lexicography is divided into two separate academic disciplines."
"Practical lexicography is the art or craft of compiling, writing, and editing dictionaries."
"Theoretical lexicography is the scholarly study of semantic, orthographic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic features of lexemes of the lexicon (vocabulary) of a language."
"Theoretical lexicography focuses on developing theories of dictionary components and structures linking the data in dictionaries."
"The theoretical study of semantic, orthographic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic features of lexemes is sometimes referred to as 'metalexicography'."
"There is some disagreement on the definition of lexicology, as distinct from lexicography."
"Some use 'lexicology' as a synonym for theoretical lexicography."
"Others use it to mean a branch of linguistics pertaining to the inventory of words in a particular language."
"A person devoted to lexicography is called a lexicographer..."
"...and is, according to a jest of Samuel Johnson, a 'harmless drudge'."
"Practical lexicography is the art or craft of compiling, writing, and editing dictionaries."
"Theoretical lexicography investigates semantic, orthographic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic features of lexemes."
"Theoretical lexicography develops theories of dictionary components and structures."
"Metalexicography focuses on the needs for information by users in specific types of situations."
"Printed and electronic dictionaries incorporate data that users may best access."
"Some use 'lexicology' as a synonym for theoretical lexicography."
"Lexicology pertains to the inventory of words in a particular language."
"It is the art of compiling dictionaries."
"...according to a jest of Samuel Johnson, a 'harmless drudge'."