"The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and serve as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations."
The study of organizations created to facilitate international cooperation on issues such as trade, environmental protection, human rights, and global health.
The United Nations: The primary international organization created after World War II to promote peace, security, and cooperation between nations.
International Law: The collection of rules and principles that govern the relations between states and other international actors, including international organizations.
Global Governance: The system whereby international organizations, states, and other actors work together to manage global issues and maintain security.
International Relations Theory: The study of how nations and other international actors interact with each other and the broader global community.
Sovereignty: The principle of supreme authority of a state over its territory, people, and resources.
Peacekeeping: The use of military and civilian personnel to maintain peace and security in conflict zones.
Diplomacy: The art of negotiating between states and other international actors to establish and maintain good relations.
Human Rights: The fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to every person regardless of their nationality, race, gender, or religion.
International Trade: The cross-border exchange of goods, services, and capital between nations.
Development: The process of creating economic prosperity and social well-being in developing countries.
Environmental Issues: Issues related to the health and sustainability of the planet, including climate change, resource depletion, and pollution.
Cybersecurity: The protection of computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, theft, and damage.
Intelligence: The collection, analysis, and interpretation of information on international affairs to support decision-making and policy development.
Globalization: The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and societies.
Terrorism: The use of violence and intimidation to achieve political or ideological goals, often perpetrated by non-state actors.
Nuclear Weapons: Weapons of mass destruction with the potential to cause widespread death and destruction if used in conflict.
Refugee Issues: Issues related to the displacement of people from their homes due to conflict or persecution, and the resulting humanitarian crisis.
Regional Organizations: Organizations created to promote regional cooperation and integration among neighboring countries.
Humanitarian Aid: The provision of assistance to people affected by natural disasters, famine, conflict, or other crises.
Public Diplomacy: The use of various media and communication channels to promote a country's image and values to other nations and the world.
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs): These organizations are formed by member countries through a formal agreement. They are created to achieve specific objectives that require cooperation among the member countries. Examples of Intergovernmental Organizations include the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): These organizations are created by private entities, which can be individuals or groups, to work towards a particular cause. NGOs are not affiliated with any government, and they work towards social and environmental issues, humanitarian relief, and development activities. Examples of NGOs include Amnesty International and Oxfam.
Regional Organizations: These organizations are formed by countries within a specific region to promote cooperation and address challenges that affect the region. Examples of regional organizations include the African Union and the European Union.
Intergovernmental Economic Organizations: These organizations are formed to promote economic cooperation among their member countries. They are mostly created to overcome economic problems, such as trade barriers, currency exchange problems, and economic development. Examples of Intergovernmental Economic Organizations include the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund.
Military Organizations: These organizations are formed among countries to provide security and maintain peace. They work towards enhancing military cooperation, developing defense strategies, and promoting military research. Examples of Military Organizations include the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Defense Agency.
Specialized Agencies: These organizations are affiliated with the United Nations, which focus on specific fields, like education, culture, and science. Examples of Specialized Agencies include the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Intergovernmental Political Organizations: These organizations aim to promote political cooperation between their member countries. They work on building democracy and strengthening the rule of law. Examples of Intergovernmental Political Organizations include the Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Community of Democracies.
"The UN is headquartered in New York City (in the United States, but with certain extraterritorial privileges)."
"Almost all of the world's sovereign states. As of 2023, it has 193 member states."
"The UN was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future world wars. It succeeded the League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective. On 25 April 1945, 50 nations met in San Francisco, California for a conference and started drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted on 25 June 1945."
"The organization's objectives, as defined by its charter, include maintaining international peace and security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law."
"The organization's mission to preserve world peace was complicated in its early decades due in part to Cold War tensions that existed between the United States and Soviet Union and their respective allies."
"By the 1970s, the UN's budget for economic and social development programmes vastly exceeded its spending on peacekeeping."
"After the end of the Cold War in 1991, the UN shifted and expanded its field operations, undertaking a wide variety of complex tasks."
"The UN has six principal operational organizations: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, the UN Secretariat, and the Trusteeship Council."
"The UN System includes a multitude of specialized agencies, funds, and programs, including the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme, UNESCO, and UNICEF."
"The UN's chief administrative officer is the secretary-general, currently Portuguese politician and diplomat António Guterres."
"António Guterres began his first five-year term on 1 January 2017."
"The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states."
"Some commentators believe the organization to be an important force for peace and human development, while others have called it ineffective, biased, and corrupt."
"The UN, its officers, and its agencies have won many Nobel Peace Prizes."
"The organization has other offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague."
"The International Court of Justice is headquartered in The Hague."
"Its mission has included the provision of primarily unarmed military observers and lightly armed troops charged with primarily monitoring, reporting and confidence-building roles."
"UN membership grew significantly following widespread decolonization in the 1960s. Since then, 80 former colonies have gained independence."
"The Trusteeship Council has been inactive since 1994."