"Classical Greece was a period of around 200 years (the 5th and 4th centuries BC)..."
The study of the political, social, and economic history of the Classical period, including important events such as the Persian Wars and the rise of Alexander the Great.
Ancient Greece: The civilization of Ancient Greece is one of the most important periods of history in the Classical Age. It is known for its democracy, philosophy, and epic poetry.
Roman Republic: The Roman Republic was a political system that existed from 509 BC to 27 BC. It was characterized by a balance of powers between different branches of government, including the Senate, the consuls, and the assembly.
Persian Wars: The Persian Wars were a series of conflicts between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states that occurred between 492 and 449 BC. They had a significant impact on Greek culture and politics.
Peloponnesian War: The Peloponnesian War was a conflict between Athenian and Spartan allied city-states that occurred between 431 and 404 BC. It had a significant impact on the Greek world and weakened Greek city-states.
Alexander the Great: Alexander the Great was a king of Macedon who conquered much of the known world in the 4th century BC. He is regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history.
Julius Caesar: Julius Caesar was a Roman politician and general who played a significant role in the events that led to the end of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
Hellenistic Age: The Hellenistic Age was a period of Greek cultural influence and expansion that occurred from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC until the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. It was a time of significant cultural, scientific, and artistic achievements.
Roman Empire: The Roman Empire was a period of Roman history from 27 BC to 476 AD. It was characterized by centralized government, military conquest, and the spread of Roman culture.
Roman Law: Roman law was the legal system used in the Roman Empire. It was one of the world's most influential legal systems and formed the basis of many modern legal systems.
Byzantine Empire: The Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire in the East and existed from 330 AD to 1453 AD. It was known for its art, architecture, and influence on Christianity.
Christianity: Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It began in the 1st century AD and eventually became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.
Islam: Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. It began in the 7th century AD and spread to become one of the world's major religions.
Renaissance: The Renaissance was a period of cultural and artistic achievement that occurred in Europe from the 14th to the 17th century. It was characterized by a renewed interest in classical culture and the development of humanism.
Humanism: Humanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings. It was a significant influence in the development of Renaissance art, literature, and philosophy.
Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Revolution was a period of scientific discovery and advancement that occurred from the 16th to the 18th century. It had a significant impact on the development of modern science and technology.
Political history: This type of history deals with the study of political structures and processes of the past.
Military history: It is the study of warfare and conflicts, including battle tactics, strategy, and weaponry in a historical context.
Economic history: This type of history deals with the study of economic systems and patterns in the past, including trade, commerce, industrialization, and agricultural development.
Social history: It is the study of social structure and culture, including religion, gender, class, and family life in the past.
Intellectual history: This type of history deals with the study of ideas and intellectual movements, including philosophy, science, and literature.
Art history: It is the study of art and visual culture, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts.
Cultural history: It is the study of cultural practices and beliefs, including language, food, music, and popular culture.
Environmental history: This type of history deals with the study of environmental issues and their impact on human societies, including ecological and climate change.
Diplomatic history: This type of history deals with the study of international relations and diplomacy, including foreign policy and war and peace negotiations.
Urban history: It is the study of urbanization, including the growth of cities, urban planning, and the development of urban infrastructure.
Legal history: This type of history deals with the study of legal systems and the evolution of legal codes and norms in the past.
Gender history: It is the study of gender roles and relationships, including their historical development and cultural variations.
Archaeology: It is the study of material remains of past human societies, including the artifacts and structures they left behind.
Oral history: This type of history involves the collection and preservation of personal narratives and memory of historical events and experiences from individuals.
Anthropology: It is the study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors, including their social structures, customs, beliefs, and practices, using a comparative and cross-cultural approach.
"...marked by much of the eastern Aegean and northern regions of Greek culture gaining increased autonomy from the Persian Empire; the peak flourishing of democratic Athens; the First and Second Peloponnesian Wars; the Spartan and then Theban hegemonies; and the expansion of Macedonia under Philip II."
"marked by much of the eastern Aegean and northern regions of Greek culture (such as Ionia and Macedonia) gaining increased autonomy from the Persian Empire..."
"Much of the early defining politics, artistic thought (architecture, sculpture), scientific thought, theatre, literature, and philosophy of Western civilization derives from this period of Greek history..."
"The classical Greek era ended after Philip II's unification of most of the Greek world against the common enemy of the Persian Empire, which was conquered within 13 years during the wars of Alexander the Great, Philip's son."
"The Classical period in this sense follows the Greek Dark Ages and Archaic period and is in turn succeeded by the Hellenistic period."
"The classical Greek era ended after Philip II's unification of most of the Greek world against the common enemy of the Persian Empire..."
"which was conquered within 13 years during the wars of Alexander the Great, Philip's son."
"...the peak flourishing of democratic Athens..."
"the First and Second Peloponnesian Wars..."
"the Spartan and then Theban hegemonies..."
"Much of the early defining politics, artistic thought (architecture, sculpture), scientific thought, theatre, literature, and philosophy of Western civilization derives from this period of Greek history..."
"Part of the broader era of classical antiquity, the classical Greek era ended after Philip II's unification of most of the Greek world against the common enemy of the Persian Empire, which was conquered within 13 years during the wars of Alexander the Great, Philip's son."
"The Classical period in this sense follows the Greek Dark Ages and Archaic period and is in turn succeeded by the Hellenistic period."
"The Classical period corresponds to most of the 5th and 4th centuries BC (the most common dates being the fall of the last Athenian tyrant in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC)."
"marked by much of the eastern Aegean and northern regions of Greek culture (such as Ionia and Macedonia) gaining increased autonomy from the Persian Empire..."
"Much of the early defining politics, artistic thought (architecture, sculpture), scientific thought, theatre, literature, and philosophy of Western civilization derives from this period of Greek history..."
"...and the expansion of Macedonia under Philip II."
"...artistic thought (architecture, sculpture), scientific thought, theatre, literature, and philosophy of Western civilization derives from this period of Greek history..."
"The Classical period in this sense follows the Greek Dark Ages and Archaic period and is in turn succeeded by the Hellenistic period."