Understanding the role of gender in the migration process and its impact on women and men.
Gender: Gender refers to the social and cultural roles, identities, and expectations that societies assign to individuals based on their sex.
Migration: Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, either within a country or across borders.
Intersectionality: Intersectionality is the recognition that social identities (such as gender, race, class, and sexuality) interact and intersect with one another, shaping a person’s experiences and opportunities.
Transnationalism: Transnationalism refers to the maintenance of social, cultural, political and economic connections across national borders by migrants and their communities.
Labor Migration: Labor migration is the movement of people across borders to seek work or employment opportunities.
Migration Governance: Migration governance refers to the development and implementation of policies and practices by governments, international organizations and other actors that regulate and manage migration.
Human Trafficking: Human trafficking refers to the illegal trade in human beings for exploitation purposes.
Refugee and Asylum Seeker: A refugee is a person who has been forced to flee their home country due to persecution, war or violence. An asylum seeker is someone who has sought protection in another country and is awaiting a decision on their claim for refugee status.
Diaspora: Diaspora describes the dispersal of a group of people from their homeland and the ongoing connections and identity they maintain with their homeland.
Forced Migration: Forced migration is the movement of people who have been compelled to leave their homes or countries, often due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters.
Gendered Division of Labor: The gendered division of labor refers to the way work is organized and distributed by sex, with certain types of work being seen as more appropriate or “natural” for men or women.
Gender-based Violence: Gender-based violence refers to violence that is directed at an individual based on their gender, often taking the form of sexual assault, harassment or gender-based discrimination.
Health and Migration: Migration can have significant effects on the physical and mental health of migrants, as well as on the health systems and infrastructure of the countries they move between.
Migrant Integration: Migrant integration refers to the processes by which migrants become part of their new society and the ways in which those societies respond to and accommodate different groups of migrants.
Intersection of Gender and Sexuality: The intersection of gender and sexuality refers to the ways in which social expectations around gender interact with norms and expectations around sexuality and sexual orientation.