"Geography is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth."
Understanding the natural features and landmarks of a local area, including rivers, mountains, valleys, and coastlines.
Cartography: The study and creation of maps.
Physical geography: The study of the natural environment, including landforms, climate, water bodies, and ecosystems.
Human geography: The study of the human-made world, including culture, society, and economic systems.
Geology: The study of the earth’s physical structure and composition.
Climate: The long term weather patterns and variations.
Weather: Short term atmospheric conditions.
Landforms: The physical features on the earth’s surface, including mountains, valleys, and plains.
Oceans: Large bodies of saltwater covering most of the earth’s surface.
Rivers: Bodies of flowing water that move water from higher points to lower points.
Mountains: Large natural features with steep slopes and high elevations.
Forests: Large, wooded areas of land covered with trees and other vegetation.
Soils: The material that forms the surface of the earth, formed by the weathering of rocks and other materials over time.
Deserts: Large, arid areas with little precipitation.
Lakes: Large natural or man-made bodies of standing water.
Plate tectonics: The theory that the earth’s crust is composed of large plates that move and interact with each other.
Volcanoes: Openings in the earth’s surface that allow molten rock and ash to escape from the earth’s interior.
Erosion: The process by which the earth’s surface is worn away by natural forces such as wind, water, and glaciers.
Glaciers: Large masses of ice that move slowly over the earth’s surface.
Topography: The study of the physical features of the earth’s surface, including elevation, slope, and relief.
Biomes: Large areas with similar climate, plants, and animals, such as forests, grasslands, tundras, and deserts.
Physical Geography: This type of geography is focused on the natural earth and its physical features, such as mountains, oceans, deserts, rivers, and climate.
Human Geography: This type of geography is focused on human activities and their impact on the earth. It includes social, cultural, economic, and political factors.
Geomorphology: This is the study of the shape and structure of the earth's surface and the processes that shape them.
Coastal Geography: This is the study of coasts, including the physical features and the interaction between the land and the sea.
Urban Geography: This is the study of urban areas, including their growth, development, and impact on the environment.
Economic Geography: This is the study of the economic activities and their spatial distribution, including resources, industry, trade, and transportation.
Political Geography: This is the study of political systems, territorial boundaries, and their interaction with other geographic factors.
Environmental Geography: This is the study of human impacts on the environment, including pollution, climate change, and biodiversity.
Cartography: This is the study and practice of creating maps, including both traditional and digital mapping techniques.
Topography: This refers to the physical features of a particular area of land, including elevation, relief, and the shape of the land surface.
"The first recorded use of the word γεωγραφία was as a title of a book by Greek scholar Eratosthenes (276–194 BC)."
"Geography has been called 'a bridge between natural science and social science disciplines.'"
"The concepts of geography (such as cartography) date back to the earliest attempts to understand the world spatially, with the earliest example of an attempted world map dating to the 9th century BCE in ancient Babylon."
"The core concepts of geography consistent between all approaches are a focus on space, place, time, and scale."
"Objects are not merely where they are, but also how they have changed and come to be."
"While geography is specific to Earth, many concepts can be applied more broadly to other celestial bodies in the field of planetary science."
"The history of geography as a discipline spans cultures and millennia, being independently developed by multiple groups."
"Geography has been cross-pollinated by trade between these groups."
"Geography is an extremely broad discipline with multiple approaches and modalities."
"There have been multiple attempts to organize the discipline, including the four traditions of geography, and into branches."
"Techniques employed can generally be broken down into quantitative and qualitative approaches, with many studies taking mixed-methods approaches."
"Common techniques include cartography, remote sensing, interviews, and surveys."
"Geography seeks an understanding of Earth and its human and natural complexities."
"Geography is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth."
"Many concepts [in geography] can be applied more broadly to other celestial bodies in the field of planetary science."
"The history of geography as a discipline spans cultures and millennia."
"Geography seeks an understanding of Earth and its human and natural complexities."
"The core concepts of geography consistent between all approaches are a focus on space, place, time, and scale."
"Geography has been called 'a bridge between natural science and social science disciplines.'"