"History is the systematic study and documentation of the human past."
The study of past events and their significance, often with a focus on human affairs.
Anthropology: The study of human societies, cultures, and development over time.
Archaeology: The study of human cultures and artifacts from past civilizations.
Linguistics: The study of language and how it evolves over time.
Paleontology: The study of fossilized remains of ancient creatures and their environments.
History of Science: The study of how science has been conducted throughout history.
Geography: The study of the earth and its features.
Sociology: The study of human social relationships and structures.
Philosophy: The study of ideas, values, and wisdom.
Art History: The study of the artistic expression of cultures throughout history.
Literature: The study of written works throughout history and their role in society.
Political Science: The study of political systems and political behavior.
Religion: The study of beliefs, rituals, and practices of religious groups.
Economics: The study of how societies allocate resources to produce goods and services.
Psychology: The study of human behavior and mental processes.
Philosophy of Science: The study of the fundamental questions and assumptions underlying scientific methodologies and processes.
Critical Race Theory: The study of how race and racism have shaped social, political, and economic systems over time.
Feminist Theory: The study of gender and how it has shaped social, political, and economic systems over time.
Queer Theory: The study of sexuality and how it has shaped social, political, and economic systems over time.
Postcolonial Theory: The study of how imperialism and colonization have shaped social, political, and economic systems over time.
Environmental Studies: The study of the relationship between humans and their natural environment over time.
Environmental History: The study of the relationship between humans and the environment, both natural and constructed, over time.
Oral History: The study of past events, cultures, and people through the collection and analysis of personal testimonies and memories.
Cultural History: The study of cultural beliefs, practices, and values that shape society and influence historical events.
Gender History: The study of the different experiences and roles of men and women in history.
Economic History: The study of the economic systems of societies in the past, including production, exchange, and consumption.
Social History: The study of the social structures, relationships, and cultural practices of different groups in society, including community, class, and race.
Political history: The study of political systems, governance, and institutions in different societies and historical periods.
Intellectual history: The study of the development of ideas, beliefs, and values that shape society and influence historical events.
Military history: The study of wars, conflicts, and military technology in different historical periods.
Diplomatic history: The study of the foreign policies, relations, and interactions of different nations and states in history.
Religious history: The study of the beliefs, practices, and institutions of different religions in different historical periods.
Environmental history: The study of the interaction between humans and the natural environment over time.
Local History: The study of the history of specific regions or localities, including communities, towns, or cities.
"The period of events before the invention of writing systems is considered prehistory."
"Historians seek knowledge of the past using historical sources such as written documents, oral accounts, art and material artifacts, and ecological markers."
"Historians debate which narrative best explains an event, as well as the significance of different causes and effects."
"History differs from myth in that it is supported by verifiable evidence."
"Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian, is often considered the 'father of history.'"
"Along with his contemporary Thucydides, he (Herodotus) helped form the foundations for the modern study of past events and societies."
"Though he (Herodotus) has been criticized as the 'father of lies.'"
"In East Asia, a state chronicle, the Spring and Autumn Annals, was reputed to date from as early as 722 BC."
"Historians seek knowledge of the past using historical sources such as written documents, oral accounts, art and material artifacts, and ecological markers."
"The ancient cultural influences have helped create variant interpretations of the nature of history, which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today."
"History is incomplete and still has debatable mysteries."
"History is taught as a part of primary and secondary education."
"Its usefulness in giving perspective on the problems of the present."
"Historians debate the nature of history as an end in itself, and its usefulness in giving perspective on the problems of the present."
"Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources, are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends."
"The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and certain topical or thematic elements of historical investigation."
"History is an umbrella term comprising past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of these events."
"The nature of history as an end in itself, and its usefulness in giving perspective on the problems of the present."
"Reputed to date from as early as 722 BC, though only 2nd-century BC texts have survived."