"Transgender studies, also called trans studies or trans* studies, is an interdisciplinary field of academic research dedicated to the study of gender identity, gender expression, and gender embodiment, as well as to the study of various issues of relevance to transgender and gender variant populations."
The study of gender identity and expression beyond the male-female binary.
Gender identity: The internal sense of being male, female, both, neither, or any other non-binary gender identity.
Gender dysphoria: The psychological distress experienced by someone due to the conflict between their gender identity and sex assigned at birth.
Transgender terminology: A range of words and phrases used to describe transgender people, their experiences, and identities.
Sexism: Discrimination or prejudice based on gender, including the social, political, and economic inequalities experienced by women and other marginalized gender identities.
Gender expression: The way in which an individual expresses their gender identity through their behaviors, appearance, and mannerisms.
Intersectionality: The concept that social identities such as race, gender, sexuality, and class intersect and impact one's experiences of oppression and privilege.
Transgender history: The history of transgender people and their role in society, including the impact of discrimination and violence on their lives.
Transgender health: The physical and mental health needs of transgender individuals, which are often neglected due to the stigma and lack of access to healthcare.
Transgender rights: The legal and human rights of transgender individuals, including issues related to discrimination, access to healthcare, and employment.
Transgender representation in media: The portrayal of transgender people in various forms of media, including the role of representation in shaping public perception and attitudes towards transgender individuals.
Non-binary identities: Alternative gender identities that do not fall strictly within the binary categories of male and female.
Intersex: Individuals who are born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical male or female classifications.
Cisgender: Individuals who identify with the sex assigned at birth.
Queer theory: An interdisciplinary field of study that challenges normative ideas about gender and sexuality and explores the impact of power and privilege on LGBTQ+ identities.
Transgender and Cultural Studies: This field explores the cultural representation and representation of transgender identities and experiences, analyzing how film, literature, art, and other forms of media portray and influence the public perception of transgender people.
Transgender and Social Work: Transgender social work focuses on the social difficulties and challenges that arise as a result of transgender identity, and how institutions such as welfare, healthcare, and education can provide equitable services for transgender individuals.
Transgender and Education: This field encompasses many issues related to transgender people, including their access to education, academic performance, and the development of curriculum to cater to their unique needs, experiences, and perspectives.
Transgender and Religion: This field deals with the intersection of transgender identities and religious practices or beliefs, and how people negotiate and reconcile these aspects of their identity and experience.
Transgender History: This field focuses on the history and evolution of transgender identity, the struggles, and gains made by the transgender community as well as the historical, political, and social contexts that have contributed to the development of transgender culture.
Transgender Politics: Transgender politics addresses the political struggles and the empowerment and advocacy that the transgender community engages in to challenge various forms of oppression such as legal barriers, exclusion from government policies, and socio-economic inequities.
Transgender Health: The field of transgender health focuses on the health-specific concerns of transgender people and how to provide adequate and inclusive health care for them.
"Interdisciplinary subfields of transgender studies include applied transgender studies, transgender history, transgender literature, transgender media studies, transgender anthropology and archaeology, transgender psychology, and transgender health."
"The discipline emerged in the early 1990s in close connection to queer theory."
"Non-transgender-identified peoples are often also included under the 'trans' umbrella for transgender studies, such as intersex people, crossdressers, drag artists, third gender individuals, and genderqueer people."
"The research theories within transgender studies focus on cultural presentations, political movements, social organizations, and the lived experience of various forms of gender nonconformity."
"Transgender studies provides responses to negative points of views about transgender people."
"Those negative misconceptions could be the narrow and inaccurate transgender state in psychology and medicine, etc."
"The ultimate goal of transgender studies is to provide knowledge that will benefit transgender people and communities."
"In the countries that openly oppose transgender rights, trans studies are almost non-existent."
"Transgender studies [...] is dedicated to the study of gender identity, gender expression, and gender embodiment."
"Transgender media studies, transgender anthropology and archaeology, transgender psychology, and transgender health."
"Transgender studies is an interdisciplinary field of academic research."
"Transgender studies [...] is dedicated to the study of various issues of relevance to transgender and gender variant populations."
"The research theories within transgender studies focus on cultural presentations, political movements, social organizations, and the lived experience of various forms of gender nonconformity."
"The ultimate goal of transgender studies is to provide knowledge that will benefit transgender people and communities."
"Those negative misconceptions could be the narrow and inaccurate transgender state in psychology and medicine, etc."
"Non-transgender-identified peoples are often also included under the 'trans' umbrella for transgender studies, such as intersex people, crossdressers, drag artists, third gender individuals, and genderqueer people."
"Interdisciplinary subfields of transgender studies include applied transgender studies, transgender history, transgender literature, transgender media studies, transgender anthropology and archaeology, transgender psychology, and transgender health."
"The discipline emerged in the early 1990s in close connection to queer theory."
"Transgender studies provides responses to negative points of views about transgender people."