- "It aims to understand the nature of gender inequality."
The study of gender and power relationships between men and women.
Patriarchy: Patriarchy refers to the cultural, social, and economic system that grants men power and privilege over women.
Systemic Sexism: Systemic sexism refers to the ways in which sexism is woven into the fabric of society, perpetuating gender-based injustice and inequality.
Intersectionality: Intersectionality is an analytical framework that explores how different forms of oppression – such as sexism, racism, heterosexism, and ableism – interact and reinforce each other.
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: Gender, sex, and sexuality are all different constructs that are often conflated. Gender refers to the social and cultural expectations and norms associated with being masculine or feminine, while sex refers to biological characteristics. Sexuality refers to sexual orientation, attraction, and desire.
Feminist History and Evolution of Feminist Theory: The history and evolution of feminist theory, including the different waves of feminism and key feminist theorists.
Language and Representation: Feminist theory explores the impact of language and representation on women’s lives, including the ways in which stereotypes and cultural narratives shape our perceptions and experiences.
Feminist Ethics: Feminist ethics highlights the importance of care and empathy in ethical decision-making, and challenges traditional ethical frameworks that are centered around individual autonomy and rationality.
Political Representation: Feminist politics seeks to increase women’s representation and participation in political systems, and to challenge the exclusion of women’s voices and perspectives.
Violence against Women: Feminist theory examines the social and cultural factors that contribute to violence against women, and advocates for the prevention of this violence and the empowerment of survivors.
Masculinity and Femininity: Feminist theorists explore how social constructions of masculinity and femininity impact gender relations and contribute to patriarchal power dynamics.
Eco-feminism: Ecofeminism explores the intersection of feminism and environmentalism, analyzing the ways in which patriarchy and exploitation of nature are connected.
Reproductive Rights: Feminist theory examines the impact of reproductive rights policies and highlights the importance of women’s bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.
Feminist Pedagogy: Feminist pedagogy is a teaching philosophy that seeks to create inclusive and supportive learning environments that challenge traditional assumptions about knowledge, power, and authority.
Health and Medicine: Feminist theory examines the gendered and intersectional nature of health and illness, as well as the structural factors that contribute to health disparities and inequalities.
Literature and the Arts: Feminist theory explores the representation of women in literature, art, and media, and analyzes the ways in which cultural products contribute to the maintenance of sexist and patriarchal power structures.
Liberal Feminism: This type of feminism focuses on gender equality but places emphasis on individualism, rationality, and legal and constitutional rights.
Radical Feminism: Radical feminists believe that patriarchy is the root cause of all oppression and discrimination against women. They emphasize the need to challenge social norms and values that perpetuate gender inequalities.
Marxist/Socialist Feminism: This type of feminism is based on the belief that gender inequalities are inherently linked to economic structures and class systems. They seek to understand and address the intersection of gender, class, and race-based inequalities.
Intersectional Feminism: Intersectional feminists recognize that different forms of oppression are interconnected and cannot be separated. They seek to understand the ways in which gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and other forms of social identity interact to create unique forms of oppression and inequality.
Cultural Feminism: Cultural feminists place emphasis on the unique qualities and values that women bring to society. They believe that women's experiences and perspectives are inherently different from those of men but not necessarily inferior.
Eco-Feminism: Eco-feminists view the domination of nature and the domination of women as interconnected. They seek to challenge systems that exploit both women and the environment.
Post-modern/Post-structural Feminism: This type of feminism seeks to question the dominant narratives and discourses that underpin society. They emphasize the importance of understanding the ways in which language, power, and knowledge intersect to create gendered inequalities.
- "...in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, home economics, literature, education, and philosophy."
- "Feminist theory often focuses on analyzing gender inequality."
- "Themes often explored in feminist theory include discrimination, objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, patriarchy, stereotyping, art history and contemporary art, and aesthetics."
- "Feminist theory often focuses on analyzing gender inequality... oppression, patriarchy..."
- "It examines women's and men's social roles... in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, home economics, literature, education, and philosophy."
- "...feminist politics in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, home economics, literature, education, and philosophy."
- "...stereotyping, art history and contemporary art, and aesthetics."
- "Themes often explored in feminist theory include... objectification (especially sexual objectification)..."
- "It examines women's and men's... experiences, interests, chores..."
- "It examines women's and men's... literature..."
- "Themes often explored in feminist theory include... stereotyping..."
- "It examines women's and men's social roles... communication, media studies..."
- "It examines women's and men's social roles... education..."
- "It examines women's and men's... anthropology and sociology..."
- "It examines women's and men's... psychoanalysis..."
- "It examines women's and men's... political theory..."
- "Themes often explored in feminist theory include... discrimination..."
- "It examines women's and men's... philosophy."
- "Feminist theory often focuses on analyzing... a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, home economics, literature, education, and philosophy."