The study of how queer identities are constructed and represented in various cultural artifacts and practices.
Gender identity: This topic explores the ways in which individuals identify themselves according to traditional gender categories, as well as how they may resist or challenge these categories based on their own experiences and identities.
LGBTQ+ history: This topic covers the important events, figures, and movements that have shaped the LGBTQ+ community and its struggles for equality throughout history.
Queer theory: Queer theory is an interdisciplinary approach to understanding gender and sexuality that questions and challenges traditional assumptions and categories related to these topics.
Intersectionality: This topic examines how multiple social identities, such as race, class, gender, and sexuality, intersect and interact to create unique experiences of oppression and privilege.
LGBTQ+ representation in media: This topic explores how LGBTQ+ individuals and relationships are represented in various forms of media, including film, television, literature, and music.
Non-normative family structures: This topic investigates alternative family structures, such as chosen families, polyamorous relationships, and single parenting, that fall outside of traditional heteronormative family structures.
Art and creative expression: Queer artists have often used their work to challenge social norms, express their experiences, and create community. This topic examines the role of art and creative expression in queer culture.
Sexuality and sexual expression: This topic explores the diverse ways in which individuals express their sexuality, including kink, BDSM, and non-monogamy.
Queer activism: This topic examines the various ways in which queer individuals and communities have sought to make change through activism, advocacy, and direct action.
Queer spirituality: This topic investigates how various religions and spiritual practices intersect with queerness and can be used as a way to express and explore gender and sexual identities.
Historical Queer Studies: This field of Queer Studies examines the history of LGBTQ+ culture, activism, and identity. Historical Queer Studies can explore topics like queer sexualities and identities in different historical periods, the impact of social movements on the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and the impact of legal and cultural changes on LGBTQ+ communities.
Literary Queer Studies: This field of Queer Studies applies a queer lens to literary analysis, looking at the intersections between literature and LGBTQ+ culture. Literary Queer Studies may focus on authors who identify as LGBTQ+, themes related to gender and sexuality, and the representation of queer identities in literature.
Film and Media Queer Studies: This field of Queer Studies looks at the representation of LGBTQ+ identities, cultures, and issues in film, television, and other forms of media. Film and Media Queer Studies can include topics like queer representation in Hollywood, the impact of the media on public opinion of LGBTQ+ people, and the role of LGBTQ+ media in shaping queer identities.
Queer Theory: Queer Theory is a vital component of Queer Studies that explores the ways in which heteronormativity impacts all aspects of culture and society. Queer Theory focuses on the intersection of sexuality, gender, race, class, and other elements of identity, and how they combined to create a social hierarchy that privileges heterosexual, cisgender identities.
Performance Queer Studies: This field of Queer Studies examines the ways in which performance art intersects with LGBTQ+ culture and activism. Performance Queer Studies can include topics like drag culture, queer performance art, and the role of performance in the LGBTQ+ rights movement.
Queer Anthropology/Sociology: This field of Queer Studies explores the social and cultural aspects of LGBTQ+ identity, culture, and communities. Queer Anthropology/Sociology can include topics like queer families and kinship, queer spaces and communities, and the impact of socio-cultural factors on LGBTQ+ individuals.
Queer Pedagogy: This field of Queer Studies is concerned with how LGBTQ+ identities, issues, and experiences are addressed in education, and how they can effectively be taught. Queer Pedagogy can include topics like queer-inclusive curriculum, culturally responsive teaching, and LGBTQ+ student experiences in educational settings.
Queer Health Studies: This field of Queer Studies explores the ways in which LGBTQ+ identities intersect with health and wellbeing. Queer Health Studies can include topics like the impact of social stigma and discrimination on LGBTQ+ health, the health disparities faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, and the importance of inclusive healthcare practices.
Queer Ecology: This field of Queer Studies explores the ways in which ecology, environment, and sustainability intersect with queer identities and experiences. Queer Ecology can include topics like the impact of environmental policies and practices on queer communities, and the importance of queer voices in shaping environmental discourse.
Queer Futurities: This field of Queer Studies explores alternative imaginaries and possibilities for queer life, political organization, and social change. Queer Futurities can include topics like the imagination of utopias or dystopias, the construction of queer futures, and the importance of future-oriented thinking for queer activism and movements.