Patriarchal Capitalism

Home > Gender and Sexuality Studies > Patriarchy > Patriarchal Capitalism

The intersection of patriarchy and capitalism, wherein men hold the majority of economic and political power.

Definition of Patriarchy: Understanding what Patriarchy means and how it manifests in society.
History of Patriarchy: Studying the evolution of Patriarchy from traditional societies to modern times.
Patriarchy in Mythology: Examining how Patriarchy is represented in mythology and how it contributes to the perpetuation of Patriarchy.
Feminist Critiques of Patriarchy: Analyzing feminist critiques of Patriarchy and how they address the different forms of Patriarchy.
Intersectionality of Patriarchy: Understanding how Patriarchy intersects with other forms of oppression like racism, homophobia, transphobia, and classism.
Psychoanalysis of Patriarchy: Studying how Patriarchy perpetuates through both social structures and individual psyche.
Patriarchy and Gender Roles: Examining how Patriarchy influences gender roles and expectations in society.
Patriarchy and Politics: Understanding how Patriarchy affects politics, governance, policymaking, and the legal system.
Patriarchy and Economics: Analyzing how Patriarchy impacts economic structures and labor relations.
Patriarchy and the Environment: How Patriarchy has an impact on the environment.
Patriarchy and Health: Understanding how Patriarchy can have a negative impact on Health.
Patriarchy and Religion: Analyzing the significance and the impact of Patriarchy on religious practices and beliefs.
Patriarchy and Popular Culture: Examining how popular culture reinforces Patriarchy and notions of toxic masculinity.
Patriarchy and Media: Understanding the influence of Patriarchy on media industries.
Patriarchy and Education: Analyzing the impact of Patriarchy in Education and the evolution of Patriarchy in Education.
Men and Patriarchy: Understanding how men are also affected by Patriarchy and their role in combating Patriarchy.
Women and Patriarchy: Studying the experiences of women under Patriarchy and their different approaches to challenging it.
Patriarchy and the LGBTQIA+ community: Analyzing how Patriarchy affects the experiences of people in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Patriarchy and Allyship: Understanding the importance of allyship in confronting Patriarchy and supporting marginalized communities.
Patriarchy and Activism: Studying the different forms of activism challenging Patriarchy, and how they support marginalized communities.
Traditional Patriarchy: This is the most common form of Patriarchy, where men hold power and authority over women in both public and private realms. Women are relegated to the role of caregivers and homemakers, while men are expected to be the breadwinners.
Feminist Patriarchy: This type of Patriarchy recognizes that women are oppressed under the existing social order but seeks to change this by advocating for equal rights and opportunities for women.
Global Patriarchy: This form of Patriarchy exists on a global scale and is characterized by inequality between rich and poor countries, with rich countries exploiting the resources and labor of poorer countries, often with devastating effects on women.
Racial Patriarchy: This type of Patriarchy is rooted in the racial hierarchy of a society and affects women of color disproportionately. Women of color are often marginalized and face discrimination based on both their race and gender.
Sexual Patriarchy: This type of Patriarchy is linked to sexuality and promotes the idea that male sexuality is normal and that female sexuality is deviant. Women are often shamed and punished for expressing their sexuality, while men are encouraged to do so.
Quote: "Patriarchy is a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are primarily held by men."
Quote: "It is used... both as a technical anthropological term for families or clans controlled by the father or eldest male or group of males and in feminist theory where it is used to describe broad social structures in which men dominate over women and children."
Quote: "In these theories it is often extended to a variety of manifestations in which men have social privileges over others causing exploitation or oppression, such as through male dominance of moral authority and control of property."
Quote: "Patriarchal societies can be patrilineal or matrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male or female lineage respectively."
Quote: "Sociologists hold varied opinions on whether patriarchy is a social product or an outcome of innate differences between the sexes."
Quote: "Some argue that gender inequality comes primarily from genetic and reproductive differences between men and women."
Quote: "Social constructionists contest this argument, arguing that gender roles and gender inequity are instruments of power and have become social norms to maintain control over women."
Quote: "Historically, patriarchy has manifested itself in the social, legal, political, religious, and economic organization of a range of different cultures."
Quote: "Most contemporary societies are, in practice, patriarchal."
Quote: "Patriarchy is a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are primarily held by men."
Quote: "Patriarchal societies can be patrilineal or matrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male or female lineage respectively."
Quote: "It is... used in feminist theory where it is used to describe broad social structures in which men dominate over women and children."
Quote: "Such as through male dominance of moral authority and control of property."
Quote: "Sociologists hold varied opinions on whether patriarchy is a social product or an outcome of innate differences between the sexes."
Quote: "Sociobiologists compare human gender roles to sexed behavior in other primates."
Quote: "Some argue that gender inequality comes primarily from genetic and reproductive differences between men and women."
Quote: "Social constructionists... argue that gender roles and gender inequity are instruments of power and have become social norms to maintain control over women."
Quote: "Historically, patriarchy has manifested itself in the social, legal, political, religious, and economic organization of a range of different cultures."
Quote: "Most contemporary societies are, in practice, patriarchal."
Quote: "In these theories it is often extended to a variety of manifestations in which men have social privileges over others causing exploitation or oppression."