
Home > Gender and Sexuality Studies > Masculinity and femininity > Microaggressions

Subtle and often unintentional actions or comments that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and biases.

Gender Roles: Social and cultural expectations of how men and women should behave, including dress, attitudes, and behaviors.
Gender Stereotypes: Oversimplified and often exaggerated beliefs about men and women.
Toxic Masculinity: A set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that reinforce harmful and oppressive gender norms for men.
Microaggressions: Subtle, unintentional, or unconscious forms of discrimination or disregard toward marginalized groups.
Systemic Oppression: Often unseen and ingrained forms of discrimination and harassment that are built into social and organizational structures.
Intersectionality: The idea that people have multiple identities (race, gender, sexuality, ability, etc.) that intersect and create unique experiences of discrimination and privilege.
Privilege: Unearned advantages that often come from belonging to a dominant social group.
Allyship: Supportive actions and behaviors taken by people who are not part of a marginalized group to help raise awareness and advocate for change.
Queer Theory: A field of study that critiques and questions traditional assumptions about normative gender and sexuality.
Implicit Bias: Attitudes, beliefs, or stereotypes that influence our subconscious thoughts and behaviors towards certain groups.
Gender policing: Criticizing women for not conforming to traditionally feminine behaviors and appearances.
Objectification: Reducing women to nothing more than a physical object.
Mansplaining: Men explaining things to women in a condescending and patronizing manner.
Belittling: Dismissing women's ideas, opinions, and accomplishments.
Sexualization: Making sexual comments or innuendos about women or their bodies.
Infantilization: Treating women like children, speaking to them in a patronizing or belittling tone.
Denial of agency: Treating women like they lack the ability to make their own decisions.
Toxic masculinity: The assumption that men should be dominant, aggressive, and emotionless.
Homophobia: Using derogatory terms to describe gay men, or implying that being gay is inferior to being straight.
Misogyny: The belief that women are inferior to men, and treating them accordingly.
Demands to conform to traditional gender roles: Assuming that men should be the sole breadwinners or that they shouldn't show emotions.
Ridicule of less traditionally masculine men: Belittling men who don't fit into traditionally masculine norms.
Racism: Linking race and masculinity, such as the stereotype of Black men as particularly aggressive and threatening.
Dismissal of emotions: Suggesting that men who express their emotions are weak or vulnerable.