"The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women who are working."
The disparity in earnings between men and women.
Gender Roles and Stereotypes: The traditional roles that society assigns to men and women based on their gender, including beliefs about what jobs, behaviors, and characteristics are appropriate for each gender.
Historical Context: Understanding the history of gender relations and the development of gender roles and stereotypes throughout human history.
Intersectionality: The idea that different aspects of a person's identity, such as race, class, and sexual orientation, intersect and affect their experiences and opportunities, including their earning potential.
Pay Transparency: Understanding how salaries are set and how transparency in salary information can help close the gender wage gap.
Implicit Bias: The ways in which unconscious biases and societal expectations can affect hiring, promotion, and salary decisions.
Education and Training: Education and training opportunities that can increase opportunities for women and people of color in the workforce, such as training in STEM fields or leadership development programs.
Family and Caregiving: The impact of caregiving responsibilities on women's earnings, including the need for policies such as paid parental leave and affordable childcare.
Legislative Action: The role of government policies and laws in promoting gender equality in the workforce.
Negotiation Skills: The importance of negotiation skills and strategies to achieve fair compensation and career advancement.
Workplace Culture: The impact of workplace culture on the gender wage gap, including the importance of promoting a culture of inclusion, respect, and diversity.
Overall Gender Wage Gap: This represents the average difference in pay between all men and all women in a particular job or occupation.
Occupation Gender Wage Gap: This type of gender wage gap looks at the difference in pay between men and women in the same occupation or job title.
Industry Gender Wage Gap: This type of gender wage gap measures the difference in median earnings between men and women in different industries.
Education Gender Wage Gap: This looks at the difference in earnings between men and women with the same level of education.
Racial and Ethnic Gender Wage Gap: This represents the difference in median earnings between different racial and ethnic groups based on gender identity.
Age Gender Wage Gap: This type of gender wage gap measures the difference in earnings between men and women at different ages or stages of their careers.
Parental Status Gender Wage Gap: This looks at the difference in earnings between men and women with children or dependents.
Disability Gender Wage Gap: This represents the difference in earnings between men and women with disabilities.
Sexual Orientation Gender Wage Gap: This type of gender wage gap measures the difference in earnings between men and women with different sexual orientation identities.
Transgender Gender Wage Gap: This measures the difference in earnings between individuals with different gender identities, including those who identify as transgender, genderqueer, or non-binary.
"In the United States, for example, the average annual salary of a woman is 83% that of a man."
"This figure changes when controlled for confounding factors such as differences in hours worked, occupations chosen, education, job experience, and level of danger at work, which has adjusted figures in the United States from 95% to 99%."
"The World Health Organization has estimated women healthcare workers earn 28% less on average than men; after adjusting for occupation and hours worked, the gap is changed to 11%."
"The reasons for the gap link to legal, social and economic factors. These include topics such as discrimination based on gender, the motherhood penalty vs. fatherhood bonus, parental leave, and gender norms."
"Additionally, the consequences of the gender pay gap surpass individual grievances, leading to reduced economic output, lower pensions for women, and fewer learning opportunities."
"The gender pay gap can be a problem from a public policy perspective in developing countries because it reduces economic output."
"It means that women are more likely to be dependent upon welfare payments, especially in old age."
Discrimination based on gender is a factor in the gender pay gap."
"This figure changes when controlled for confounding factors such as differences in hours worked, occupations chosen, education, job experience, and level of danger at work."
"After adjusting for occupation and hours worked, the gap is changed to 11%."
"The motherhood penalty vs. fatherhood bonus is one of the reasons for the gender pay gap."
"The consequences of the gender pay gap... leading to reduced economic output, lower pensions for women, and fewer learning opportunities."
"The consequences of the gender pay gap... leading to... fewer learning opportunities."
"The reasons for the gap link to legal, social and economic factors. These include topics such as... gender norms."
"The consequences of the gender pay gap... leading to lower pensions for women."
(No quote provided in the paragraph)
(No quote provided in the paragraph)
"The reasons for the gap link to legal, social and economic factors."
"The gender pay gap can be a problem from a public policy perspective in developing countries."