"Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender. It primarily affects women and girls."
Unequal treatment or prejudice based on a person's sex or gender, which can range from oppressive attitudes or beliefs to workplace discrimination or denial of equal rights.
Gender identity: Understanding the difference between biological sex and gender identity, and the ways in which society constructs gender as a binary system.
Patriarchy: A system in which men hold power and privilege over women, and how it is perpetuated in society.
Intersectionality: Recognizing how various identities such as race, class, sexuality, and ability intersect with gender to create unique experiences of oppression and privilege.
Sexism: Prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex, and the impact it has on individuals and society.
Toxic masculinity: The ways in which traditional ideas of masculinity can be harmful and perpetuate gender discrimination.
Feminism: The movement for gender equality and the various waves of feminist thought.
Objectification: Treating people as objects for sexual pleasure rather than as human beings deserving of respect and autonomy.
Rape culture: The normalization of sexual violence and the pervasive attitudes and beliefs that permit it to occur.
Stereotypes: Narrow and oversimplified beliefs about people based on their gender.
Gender roles: The socially constructed expectations for behavior and appearance based on gender, and the impact they have on individuals and society.
Patriarchy: A social structure where men hold more power and privilege than women. Patriarchy reinforces gender roles and norms that limit the opportunities and abilities of women.
Sexual harassment and assault: The unwanted and abusive sexualized behavior towards a person based on their perceived gender identity. It includes actions such as groping, catcalling, and non-consensual sexual contact.
Unequal pay and opportunity: The systematic undervaluing of women's work and skills, resulting in lower wages and less opportunity for career advancement compared to men in the same position or with similar qualifications.
Glass ceiling: The invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to high-level positions in their profession or industry.
Stereotyping: The use of oversimplified and misleading generalizations about a person or group based on their gender, which can lead to discrimination in hiring, promotions, and opportunities.
Intersectionality: Discrimination affects people differently depending on the multiple and often intertwined aspects of their identity, such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socio-economic status.
Double standards: The different expectations, rules, and ethics applied to men and women in similar situations, such as sexuality, appearance, and behavior.
"It has been linked to gender roles and stereotypes."
"Extreme sexism may foster sexual harassment, rape, and other forms of sexual violence."
"Discrimination in this context is defined as discrimination toward people based on their gender identity or their gender or sex differences."
"An example of this is workplace inequality."
"Sexism may arise from social or cultural customs and norms."
"Sexism can affect anyone."
"It may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another."
"It primarily affects women and girls."
"Extreme sexism may foster sexual harassment, rape, and other forms of sexual violence."
"Discrimination in this context is defined as discrimination toward people based on their gender identity or their gender or sex differences."
"An example of this is workplace inequality."
"Sexism may arise from social or cultural customs and norms."
"It primarily affects women and girls."
"It may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another."
"Sexism can affect anyone."
"Extreme sexism may foster sexual harassment, rape, and other forms of sexual violence."
"Discrimination in this context is defined as discrimination toward people based on their gender identity or their gender or sex differences."
"An example of this is workplace inequality."
"Sexism may arise from social or cultural customs and norms."