
Home > Family and Consumer Science > Financial Literacy and Consumer Skills > Budgeting

Understanding how to create and manage a budget by tracking income and expenses.

"A personal budget (for the budget of one person) or household budget (for the budget of one or more person living in the same dwelling)..."
"...is a plan for the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses of an individual..."
"...or a household."
"...the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses..."
"...of an individual or a household."
"...the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses of an individual or a household."
"...household budget (for the budget of one or more person living in the same dwelling)..."
"...one or more person living in the same dwelling..."
"...the coordination of the resources..."
"...and expenses..."
"...(for the budget of one or more person living in the same dwelling)..."
"...the resources (income) and expenses..."
"...of an individual..."
"...or a household."
"...of an individual or a household."
"...of an individual or a household."
"...plan for the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses..."
"...plan for the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses of an individual or a household."
"A personal budget (for the budget of one person) or household budget (for the budget of one or more person living in the same dwelling)..."
"...is a plan for the coordination of the resources (income) and expenses of an individual or a household."