- "Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colourism, or shadeism..."
Studies the discrimination and prejudices against people of different skin tones within the same race.
Definition of Colorism: The practice of discrimination or prejudice against people with darker skin tones. It is a form of racism based on skin color.
Historical roots of Colorism: The origins of Colorism in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, and imperialism.
Types of Colorism: Intraracial and inter-racial Colorism including light-skinned privilege, dark-skinned stigma, and color hierarchies.
Impact of Colorism on different communities: Such as African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, and Indigenous people.
Cultural implications of Colorism: How skin color is portrayed in media, marketing, and entertainment.
Psychology of Colorism: How Colorism affects self-esteem, mental health, and identity formation.
Intersectionality of Colorism: How Colorism interacts with other forms of oppression such as sexism, classism, and ableism.
Colorism and beauty standards: How Colorism influences perceptions of beauty and attractiveness in different cultures.
Anti-colorism activism: The various movements that have emerged to counter Colorism, including the #unfairandlovely or #blackgirlmagic campaigns.
Colorism and privilege: How Colorism is linked to other forms of privilege, such as socioeconomic privilege.
Colorism in the workplace: How Colorism affects employment and job opportunities.
Colorism in education: How Colorism influences educational opportunities and achievement.
Colorism in the criminal justice system: How Colorism affects the treatment of people of color in the criminal justice system.
Colorism and health disparities: How Colorism affects access to healthcare and health outcomes for people of color.
Colorism and representation: How Colorism plays a role in underrepresentation or misrepresentation in media, politics, and other spheres.
Light-skin privilege: Light-skinned individuals are often privileged over dark-skinned individuals in terms of social status, employment opportunities, and greater access to material resources.
Shadeism: This is a form of colorism that occurs within communities of people of color, in which lighter-skinned individuals receive preferential treatment and greater social status due to their lighter complexion.
Texturism: This is the discrimination against individuals with coarser hair textures, typically associated with Black people.
Color grading: This is the process in which people judge each other based on their skin color. The grading system is designed to determine a person’s worth based on their color.
Internalized colorism: This is the process in which individuals from marginalized racial groups internalize the values and judgments associated with colorism and begin to judge themselves and others based on skin tone.
Colonialism: Historically, colonialism refers to the process in which European powers colonized and took over non-European countries, resulting in the oppression and exploitation of people of color across the world.
White supremacy: This concept describes a social, economic, and political system that upholds the values and institutions of white people over people of color.
- "...people of certain ethnic groups or people who are perceived as belonging to a darker skinned race are treated differently based on their darker skin color."
- "Although less historically significant, prejudice can also be applied towards lighter-skinned people..."
- "Alternate terms have been coined for colorism against people in minority positions, such as oppressive colourism or systemic colourism..."
- "A key difference between racism and colorism is that while racism deals with the subjugation of one group by another or the belief in racial supremacy, colorism deals with in-group discrimination in addition to between-group discrimination."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin color in criminal justice, business, the economy, housing, health care, media, and politics..."
- "Lighter skin tones are seen as preferable in many countries in Africa, Asia and South America."
- No quote provided.
- "Colourism focuses on how racism has manifested itself in the psychology of a people, and how it affects their concept of beauty, wealth, and privilege."
- No specific quote available, refers to "reverse colourism."
- "...criminal justice, business, the economy, housing, health care, media, and politics..."
- No specific quote available.
- "Alternate terms have been coined for colorism against people in minority positions, such as oppressive colourism or systemic colourism..."
- No specific quote available, refers to research conducted.
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour in criminal justice..."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour... in the economy..."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour... in housing..."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour... in media..."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour... in politics..."
- "Research has uncovered extensive evidence of discrimination based on skin colour... in health care..."