"Anti-racism encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism, and the oppression of specific racial groups."
Studies personal and collective actions that can be taken to combat racism and promote equality.
Definitions and Key Concepts: Understanding the definitions and key concepts of racism, privilege, oppression, systemic racism, and intersectionality is crucial to learning about anti-racism.
Historical Context: Learning about the history of racism, such as slavery, colonization, and segregation, helps individuals to contextualize current social and political issues.
Implicit Bias: Understanding unconscious or implicit biases and how they impact actions and decision-making is essential to anti-racism work.
White Privilege: Acknowledging the existence of white privilege and its effects on marginalized communities is an important part of anti-racism.
Microaggressions: Identifying and understanding microaggressions, subtle and often unintentional insults or slights directed towards marginalized groups, is essential in anti-racism work.
Allyship: Learning how to be an ally and work towards dismantling racism through support, education, and action is important in anti-racism work.
Intersectionality: Acknowledging the intersections of identities and how various forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism, can overlap and compound is necessary in anti-racism work.
Community Organizing: Understanding the importance of community organizing and activism to achieve systemic change is an important aspect of anti-racism work.
Conflict Resolution: Learning how to constructively navigate conflicts that arise when engaging in anti-racism work is important in avoiding harmful behaviors and maintaining positive relationships.
Self-Reflection: Engaging in self-reflection and consistently examining one's own biases and actions is necessary in anti-racism work.
"Anti-racism is usually structured around conscious efforts and deliberate actions which are intended to provide equal opportunities for all people on both an individual and a systemic level."
"It can be engaged in by the acknowledgment of personal privileges, confronting acts as well as systems of racial discrimination and/or working to change personal racial biases."
"Major contemporary anti-racism efforts include the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and workplace anti-racism."