People of Romani descent or self-identifying as Roma, also known as Gypsies.
Romani History: This topic will provide an overview of the Romani people and their origin.
Romani Culture: This topic emphasizes the Romani free lifestyle, beliefs, values, and traditional practices.
Romani Language: The Romani language has several dialects; learners can familiarize themselves with some commonly used phrases or audio samples.
Romani Music: This topic covers the Romani folk music, which is mainly associated with weddings or other celebrations.
Romani Dance: Romani people have unique dance styles that can be learned by beginners.
Romani Fashion: This topic highlights traditional Romani clothing styles and their significance.
Romani Migration: This topic provides an overview of the Romani people's migration, settling, and displacement.
Romani Integration: This topic examines how Romani people interact with mainstream society and navigate social, economic, and political issues.
Romani Education: Education access and achievement have been challenging in Romani communities. This topic provides an overview of the educational landscape and avenues to improve outcomes.
Romani Health: This topic discusses the unique health disparities and challenges faced by Romani communities.
Romani Religion: The Romani people's religious practices and beliefs, which are diverse and varied, are the focus of this topic.
Romani Politics: This topic examines the political involvement and representation of Romani people worldwide.
Romani Discrimination: This topic highlights the discrimination and marginalization experienced by the Romani people.
Romani Media: This topic provides insights into the demands for an adequate portrayal of the Romani people in the public media.
Romani Literature: The literature, poetry, and oral storytelling practices of the Romani people are the focus of this topic.