"Includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as 'Asian' or reported entries such as 'Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Pakistani, Malaysian, and Other Asian'."
Individuals with ancestry in Asian countries living in America.
History of Asian Americans: A comprehensive overview of the historical experiences of Asian Americans in the United States, including immigration patterns, discrimination, and resistance.
Identity Formation: An exploration of how Asian Americans form their identities in a multicultural society while navigating cultural and generational differences.
Stereotypes and Prejudice: A study of the stereotypes and prejudice that Asian Americans face and an examination of their impact on society and individuals.
Asian American Literature: A survey of the literature produced by Asian American authors, including poetry, fiction, memoir, and nonfiction works on race, identity, and cultural experiences.
Politics and Activism: A review of the political issues affecting Asian Americans such as immigration law, civil rights, and representation in government, and a study of the ways that Asian Americans have organized and advocated for change.
Art and Culture: An exploration of the diverse cultural traditions found within Asian American communities, including music, dance, visual arts, and performance art.
Urbanization and Ghettoization: An analysis of how urbanization and ghettoization play a role in the lives of Asian Americans, including their community development and access to resources.
Gender and Sexuality: An examination of how gender and sexuality intersect with race and ethnicity for Asian Americans, and the ways in which Asian American women have worked to create a place for themselves in feminist movements.
Education and Professional Development: A review of the challenges and barriers that Asian Americans face in accessing education and professional opportunities, and a study of how they have created their own networks and institutions to address these challenges.
Health and Mental Health: An examination of the health and mental health disparities that exist within the Asian American community, including the lack of culturally competent health care providers and cultural stigmas regarding mental health.
"In 2020, Americans who identified as Asian alone (19,886,049) or in combination with other races (4,114,949) made up 7.2% of the U.S. population."
"Chinese, Indian, and Filipino Americans make up the largest share of the Asian American population with 5 million, 4.3 million, and 4 million people respectively."
"These numbers equal 23%, 20%, and 18% of the total Asian American population."
"Or 1.5% and 1.2% of the total U.S. population."
"Since the 17th century."
"In the mid-19th century."
"Excluded various Asian groups, eventually prohibiting almost all Asian immigration to the continental United States."
"Immigration laws were reformed during the 1940s–1960s, abolishing national origins quotas."
"Asian immigration increased rapidly."
"Analyses of the 2010 census have shown that Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial group in the United States."
"People with origins or ancestry from the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent."
"People with ethnic origins in certain parts of Asia, including West Asia."
"This term had historically been used for all the indigenous peoples of the continent of Asia."
"7.2% of the U.S. population."
"Americans who identified as Asian alone (19,886,049) or in combination with other races (4,114,949)."
"Chinese Americans."
"Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Pakistani, Malaysian."
"Prohibiting almost all Asian immigration to the continental United States."
There is a varied ethnic composition within the Asian American population, including diverse ethnic backgrounds from different regions of Asia.