"Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female."
An individual who identifies as all genders.
Gender identity: The gender identity is one's sense of being male, female, a combination of both, or neither.
Pangender: Pangender is a term used to describe individuals who do not identify as exclusively male or female, but instead as a blend of different genders.
Non-binary: Non-binary is a term used to describe individuals whose gender identity is outside of the traditional gender binary of male and female.
Genderqueer: Genderqueer is a term used to describe individuals who identify as neither male nor female, or both male and female.
Androgyny: Androgyny is a term used to describe individuals who have both traditionally masculine and feminine traits, or who do not identify as distinctly male or female.
Gender expression: Gender expression is the way a person presents themselves, socially and/or physically, in relation to gender norms.
Gender dysphoria: Gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences significant distress related to their assigned gender at birth and the incongruence of their gender identity.
Transgender: Transgender is a term used to describe individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth.
Intersex: Intersex is a term used to describe individuals who are born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical male or female categories.
Queer theory: Queer theory is a field of study that examines the social and cultural constructions of gender and sexuality, challenging traditional binaries and norms.
Androgynous: Identifying as neither exclusively masculine nor exclusively feminine but exhibiting attributes of both genders or neither.
Bigender: Identifying as having two distinct gender identities that may or may not be simultaneously present at any given time.
Demigender: Identifying as having a partial or lesser connection to a specific gender identity.
Genderfluid: Identifying as having a gender identity that changes over time or depending on the situation.
Genderqueer: Identifying as a non-binary gender that falls outside of the traditional male-female binary.
Neutrois: Identifying as having a neutral or null gender.
Third gender: Identifying as a gender that is other than male or female, often recognized and respected in some cultures.
Trigender: Identifying as having three distinct gender identities that may or may not be simultaneously present at any given time.
Two-Spirit: A Native American/First Nations concept of combining masculine and feminine spirits in one person.
Xenogender: A term for gender identities that are not defined as a male, female, or other commonly recognized gender identities but may be related to concepts like animals, objects, or other ideas beyond human experience.
"Non-binary identities fall under the transgender umbrella, since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their sex."
"Some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender."
"Non-binary people may identify as an intermediate or separate third gender, identify with more than one gender, no gender, or have a fluctuating gender identity."
"Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation: non-binary people have various sexual orientations."
"Being non-binary is also not the same as being intersex; most intersex people identify as either male or female."
"Non-binary people as a group vary in their gender expressions."
"Some non-binary people may reject gender identity altogether."
"Some non-binary people are medically treated for gender dysphoria with surgery or hormones, as trans men and trans women often are."
"Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female."
"Non-binary identities are gender identities that are outside the gender binary."
"Non-binary people may identify as an intermediate or separate third gender, identify with more than one gender, no gender, or have a fluctuating gender identity."
"Non-binary people may identify with more than one gender."
"Some non-binary people are medically treated for gender dysphoria with surgery or hormones."
"Non-binary people may identify as an intermediate or separate third gender, identify with more than one gender, no gender, or have a fluctuating gender identity."
"Some non-binary people have a fluctuating gender identity."
"Non-binary people as a group vary in their gender expressions."
"Some non-binary people are medically treated for gender dysphoria with surgery or hormones."
"Being non-binary is also not the same as being intersex; most intersex people identify as either male or female."
"Non-binary people have various sexual orientations."